The papers are arranged in four series:
- Series 1. Correspondence
- Series 2. Manuscript material by Oscar Wegelin
- Series 3. Miscellaneous manuscript material
- Series 4. Printed material
The arrangement of the collection begins with correspondence to and from Wegelin, arranged alphabetically by the correspondent. In those instances where letters were written by institutions about routine book business, the letters have been filed under the name of the institution, e.g., American Antiquarian Society. All correspondence, including Wegelin's, is arranged chronologically within the alphabetical sequence.
Bibliographical notes by Wegelin follow arranged alphabetically by the title of the work being catalogued. Similarly, manuscripts of prose, poetry and plays by Wegelin are arranged alphabetically by title and, where no title exists, by the first line. Miscellaneous unidentified notes by Wegelin and others follow.
Receipts for book orders and for purchase of manuscripts are organized by date of receipt. The one folder of letters to or from but concerning Wegelin follows.
As for printed matter, the programs for plays in which Wegelin had a role are filed alphabetically by the organization staging the play, e.g., the Nutmeg Club. There follows printed matter written by Wegelin which is grouped under the categories of orbituaries, articles, concludes with printed matter not directly concerning Wegelin, and includes articles, prints, photostats, and the like.