Box 1 , Folder 1 |
106th Congress
1998 |
Box 1 , Folder 2 |
1989-1990 |
Box 1 , Folder 3 |
1998 |
Box 1 , Folder 4 |
Abortion: Partial-Birth Ban Act
1997 |
Box 1 , Folder 5 |
Acid Rain
1984-1986 |
Box 1 , Folder 6 |
Action File
1985 |
Box 1 , Folder 7 |
Adolescent Shelters
1988, 1989 |
Box 1 , Folder 8 |
1997 |
Box 1 , Folder 9 |
Aetna Bridge: Hugo Marnelli
1985 |
Box 1 , Folder 10 |
Affirmative Action
1987 |
Box 2 , Folder 11 |
Affirmative Action
1989 |
Box 2 , Folder 12 |
African Affairs, Bureau of
1989 |
Box 2 , Folder 13 |
African Growth and Opportunity Act
1997-1998 |
Box 2 , Folder 14 |
African Growth and Opportunity Act (H.R. 1432)
1997 |
Box 2 , Folder 15 |
African Growth and Opportunity Act: Administration
1998 |
Box 2 , Folder 16 |
African Growth and Opportunity Act: Con-Groups
1998 |
Box 2 , Folder 17 |
African Growth and Opportunity Act: Foreign Embassy Correspondence
1998 |
Box 3 , Folder 18 |
African Growth and Opportunity Act: Pro-Groups
1998 |
Box 3 , Folder 19 |
African Growth and Opportunity Act: Testimonies
1998 |
Box 3 , Folder 20 |
African Trade and Opportunity Act
1998 |
Box 3 , Folder 21 |
Age Discrimination in Employment
1989 |
Box 3 , Folder 22 |
Aging: Providence Journal Series
1986 |
Box 3 , Folder 23 |
1988, 1999 |
Box 3 , Folder 24 |
Agriculture Appropriations
1993 |
Box 3 , Folder 25 |
Agriculture: Farm Bill
1990 |
Box 3 , Folder 26 |
Agriculture: Flour Onus
1992 |
Box 3 , Folder 27 |
Agriculture: Marketing Promotion Program
1992 |
Box 3 , Folder 28 |
Agriculture, United States Department of
1992 |
Box 3 , Folder 29 |
Agriculture Legislation: News Clippings
1985 |
Box 3 , Folder 30 |
1988 |
Box 4 , Folder 31 |
Air Carrier Access Act
1986 |
Box 4 , Folder 32 |
Air Pollution
1997 |
Box 4 , Folder 33 |
Air Travel Rights for the Blind
1988 |
Box 4 , Folder 34 |
Airline Safety
1983-1986 |
Box 4 , Folder 35 |
Alcohol Advertising on Television
1985 |
Box 4 , Folder 36 |
Alcohol and Mental Health Block Grant
1986 |
Box 4 , Folder 37 |
Allen, Zechariah
1992 |
Box 4 , Folder 38 |
Alternative Fuels
1990 |
Box 4 , Folder 39 |
Amaral, Dr. Joao Bosco Mota
1986 |
Box 4 , Folder 40 |
1991 |
Box 4 , Folder 41 |
American Academy of Actuaries
1993, 1994 |
Box 4 , Folder 42 |
American Association of Retired Persons
1987 |
Box 4 , Folder 43 |
American International Group
1990 |
Box 5 , Folder 44 |
American Public Welfare Association
1992 |
Box 5 , Folder 45 |
Americans with Disabilities Act
1992 |
Box 5 , Folder 46 |
America’s Cup
1998-1999 |
Box 5 , Folder 47 |
America’s Cup Challenge
1985, 1992 |
Box 5 , Folder 48 |
America’s Cup Committee: Sailing Center
1987 |
Box 5 , Folder 49 |
Americorps National Service
1995 |
Box 5 , Folder 50 |
1995 |
Box 5 , Folder 51 |
1997-1999 |
Box 6 , Folder 52 |
Amy Dunathan’s Notes
1990 |
Box 6 , Folder 53 |
Amy Dunathan’s Notes: Civil Rights Bill
1991 |
Box 6 , Folder 54 |
Amy Dunathan’s Notes: Gun Control
1989-1990 |
Box 6 , Folder 55 |
Amy Dunathan’s Notes: Gun Control
1992 |
Box 6 , Folder 56 |
Amy Dunathan’s Notes: Gun Control
1993 |
Box 6 , Folder 57 |
Amy Dunathan’s Notes: Gun Control
1993 |
Box 6 , Folder 58 |
Amy Dunathan’s Notes: Gun Control
1994-1995 |
Box 7 , Folder 59 |
Anti-Trust: Textron-Avdel
1991 |
Box 7 , Folder 60 |
Anti-Trust Legislation: S.429
1990-1992 |
Box 7 , Folder 61 |
Anti-Trust Legislation: S.429
1990, 1991 |
Box 7 , Folder 62 |
Anti-Trust Legislation: S.479
1992 |
Box 7 , Folder 63 |
Anti-Trust Legislation: S.865, H.R. 1024
1989-1991 |
Box 7 , Folder 64 |
Anti-Trust Legislation: Press Clippings
1989 |
Box 7 , Folder 65 |
Anti-Trust Legislation Literature
1982-1988 |
Box 8 , Folder 66 |
Apartheid Act
1986 |
Box 8 , Folder 67 |
Appliance Energy Conservation Act
1986-1987 |
Box 8 , Folder 68 |
Appointments: Interns, Pages, Military Nominees
1985-1987 |
Box 8 , Folder 69 |
Apprenticeships: Electrical
1990 |
Box 8 , Folder 70 |
Aquaculture Research Series
1992 |
Box 8 , Folder 71 |
Argentina Toy Duties
1997 |
Box 8 , Folder 72 |
Arms Control
1985 |
Box 8 , Folder 73 |
Arms Control, Senate Observer Group
1989 |
Box 8 , Folder 74 |
Articles by Chafee
1985-1986 |
Box 8 , Folder 75 |
Artist Unions and Cases
1988 |
Box 8 , Folder 76 |
Arts: National Philanthropy Day
1989 |
Box 8 , Folder 77 |
Arts: Raymond DeLeo
1986 |
Box 8 , Folder 78 |
Arts: Rhode Island
1987 |
Box 9 , Folder 79 |
Arts: Rhode Island State Council on
1987 |
Box 9 , Folder 80 |
Arts: Scholastic Awards
1987 |
Box 9 , Folder 81 |
Arts: Sheet Music for Developing Nations
1988 |
Box 9 , Folder 82 |
Arts: Trinity Center
1988, 1989 |
Box 9 , Folder 83 |
Arts, National Endowment for
1982-1990 |
Box 9 , Folder 84 |
Arts, National Endowment for
19891990 |
Box 9 , Folder 85 |
Arts, Performing
1984-1986 |
Box 9 , Folder 86 |
Arts and Humanities
1986-1989 |
Box 9 , Folder 87 |
Arts and Humanities: Blocked Nominations
1987 |
Box 9 , Folder 88 |
Arts and Humanities: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 9 , Folder 89 |
Arts and Humanities: Rhode Island Historical Preservation Commission
1986 |
Box 9 , Folder 90 |
Ashton Viaduct
1997 |
Box 9 , Folder 91 |
Assistive Technology
1998 |
Box 9 , Folder 92 |
Association for Retarded Citizens
1983 |
Box 10 , Folder 93 |
AT Cross: General System of Preferences
1990 |
Box 10 , Folder 94 |
Automobile Insurance Company Health Care Reform
1994 |
Box 10 , Folder 95 |
Automobile Safety
1983-1985 |
Box 10 , Folder 96 |
Aviation, Federal Administration
1981-1984 |
Box 10 , Folder 97 |
Banana Trade Dispute
1994-1995 |
Box 10 , Folder 98 |
Banana Trade Dispute
1994-1995 |
Box 10 , Folder 99 |
Banking Crisis
1991 |
Box 10 , Folder 100 |
Banking/Savings and Loan
1988 |
Box 10 , Folder 101 |
Bankruptcy Code: Liquidation and Reorganization
1989 |
Box 10 , Folder 102 |
Barrier Beaches
1985 |
Box 10 , Folder 103 |
Baseball Anti-Trust Dispute
1995 |
Box 10 , Folder 104 |
Baseball Dispute
1995 |
Box 11 , Folder 105 |
Beach Erosion
1998 |
Box 11 , Folder 106 |
Beef Important Ban
1996-1999 |
Box 11 , Folder 107 |
Bi-Centennial Ceremony
1989 |
Box 11 , Folder 108 |
Bi-Centennial Inaugural Book
1989 |
Box 11 , Folder 109 |
Big River Reservoir
1988 |
Box 11 , Folder 110 |
Bikeway Projects
1984 |
Box 11 , Folder 111 |
1989-1990 |
Box 11 , Folder 112 |
Bilderberg Meetings
1986-1987 |
Box 11 , Folder 113 |
Bilderberg Meetings
1991 |
Box 11 , Folder 114 |
Billboard Legislation
1990 |
Box 11 , Folder 115 |
Biltmore Hotel Report
1985 |
Box 11 , Folder 116 |
Biltmore Plaza, Providence: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 11 , Folder 117 |
Bi-Partisan Finance Meetings
1994 |
Box 11 , Folder 118 |
Bi-Partisan Working Group: Americans with Disabilities Act
1990 |
Box 11 , Folder 119 |
Bi-Partisanship: Larry E. Craig Letter to the Providence Journal
1999 |
Box 12 , Folder 120 |
Blackstone Valley Corridor Bill
1986-1989 |
Box 12 , Folder 121 |
Block Island
1985 |
Box 12 , Folder 122 |
Block Island
1990 |
Box 12 , Folder 123 |
Block Island Coast Guard Station
1997 |
Box 12 , Folder 124 |
Bloodborne Pathogens
1990 |
Box 12 , Folder 125 |
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Refund
1986 |
Box 12 , Folder 126 |
Blydenburgh, C.R.: Bumper Bill
1988-1991 |
Box 12 , Folder 127 |
Blydenburgh, C.R.: Bumper Bill
1988-1991 |
Box 12 , Folder 128 |
Blydenburgh, C.R.: Bumper Bill
1988-1991 |
Box 12 , Folder 129 |
Boatbuilders, Rhode Island: Dusseldorf Show
1993 |
Box 12 , Folder 130 |
Bone Mass Measurement Bill
1990 |
Box 12 , Folder 131 |
Boston World Trade Institute: Machine Tool Grant
1989 |
Box 13 , Folder 132 |
Bottle Bill
1971, 1979-1981 |
Box 13 , Folder 133 |
Bowsher, Charles A.: Comptroller General Candidate
1981 |
Box 13 , Folder 134 |
1997 |
Box 13 , Folder 135 |
Brazilian Rainforest Trip
1989 |
Box 13 , Folder 136 |
Briefing Papers
1991 |
Box 13 , Folder 137 |
Briefing Papers for Call-In Show
1984-1987 |
Box 13 , Folder 138 |
Broadcast Deregulation
1982 |
Box 13 , Folder 139 |
Brown University: Archeology Grant
1994 |
Box 13 , Folder 140 |
Brown University Center for Information Technology
1985 |
Box 13 , Folder 141 |
Brown University Symposium: Handgun Violence
1994 |
Box 13 , Folder 142 |
Bryant College Federal Appropriations Grant
1994 |
Box 14 , Folder 143 |
Bryant College: Small Business Development Center
1994 |
Box 14 , Folder 144 |
Bryant College: Technology Assistance Center
1994-1995 |
Box 14 , Folder 145 |
Buddy Cianci Show
32132 |
Box 14 , Folder 146 |
1983 |
Box 14 , Folder 147 |
1985 |
Box 14 , Folder 148 |
1985-1987 |
Box 14 , Folder 149 |
1997-1999 |
Box 14 , Folder 150 |
Budget/Balanced Budget: Line Item Veto
1986 |
Box 14 , Folder 151 |
Budget: Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act
1985-1986 |
Box 14 , Folder 152 |
Budget: News Releases
1985-1986 |
Box 14 , Folder 153 |
Budget: Rhode Island
1996-1997 |
Box 14 , Folder 154 |
Budget: Social Security
1997-1999 |
Box 15 , Folder 155 |
Budget: Statements and Speeches
1989-1990 |
Box 15 , Folder 156 |
Budget Process
1989-1991 |
Box 15 , Folder 157 |
Bumper Improvement Act
1985 |
Box 15 , Folder 158 |
Bus Regulatory Act
1982-1983 |
Box 15 , Folder 159 |
Bush: Building a Better America
1989 |
Box 15 , Folder 160 |
Cable: Communications Act
1983 |
Box 15 , Folder 161 |
Cable: Deregulation
1983-1984 |
Box 15 , Folder 162 |
Cable: News Shows
1990 |
Box 15 , Folder 163 |
Cable: Shows
1991 |
Box 15 , Folder 164 |
Cable: TV Bill
1992 |
Box 16 , Folder 165 |
Cable: TV Consumer Protection Act
1992 |
Box 16 , Folder 166 |
Cable: TV Consumer Protection Act
1992 |
Box 16 , Folder 167 |
Cable: TV Consumer Protection Act
1992 |
Box 16 , Folder 168 |
1978 |
Box 16 , Folder 169 |
1979 |
Box 16 , Folder 170 |
1980 |
Box 16 , Folder 171 |
1981 |
Box 16 , Folder 172 |
1982 |
Box 17 , Folder 173 |
Campaign Ads and Photographs
1988 |
Box 17 , Folder 174 |
Campaign Contributions
1981-1982 |
Box 17 , Folder 175 |
Campaign Finance
1990 |
Box 17 , Folder 176 |
Campaign Finance Reform
1997-1999 |
Box 17 , Folder 177 |
Campaign Material
1982 |
Box 17 , Folder 178 |
Campaign Material
1982 |
Box 17 , Folder 179 |
Campaign Material
1982 |
Box 17 , Folder 180 |
Campaign Material
1984 |
Box 17 , Folder 181 |
Campaign Material
1988 |
Box 17 , Folder 182 |
Campaign Material
1994 |
Box 17 , Folder 183 |
Campaign Material
1994 |
Box 18 , Folder 184 |
Campaign Reform
1990 |
Box 18 , Folder 185 |
Campaign Reform
1991 |
Box 18 , Folder 186 |
Capital Gains
1995 |
Box 18 , Folder 187 |
Capital Gains: Impact on Foreign Investment in the U.S.
1992 |
Box 18 , Folder 188 |
Capital Gains: Indexing Through Regulation
1992 |
Box 18 , Folder 189 |
Capital Gains: Hearing
1990 |
Box 18 , Folder 190 |
Capital Gains: Hearing
1990 |
Box 18 , Folder 191 |
Capital Gains: Tax
1990 |
Box 18 , Folder 192 |
Capital Gains: Tax Proposals
1990-1994 |
Box 19 , Folder 193 |
Capital Gains: Tax Proposals
1995 |
Box 19 , Folder 194 |
Carlin, Bill: Lobby Circuit
1987 |
Box 19 , Folder 195 |
Carter’s Immigration Bill
1978 |
Box 19 , Folder 196 |
Catastrophic Coverage Act
1989 |
Box 19 , Folder 197 |
Catastrophic Health Tax Act
1989 |
Box 19 , Folder 198 |
1988 |
Box 19 , Folder 199 |
Census Inquiry
1989 |
Box 19 , Folder 200 |
Central America and Caribbean
1989-1991 |
Box 19 , Folder 201 |
Central America: Contra Aid
1985 |
Box 19 , Folder 202 |
Central Falls: Prison
1990 |
Box 19 , Folder 203 |
Central Falls School System Donation
1989 |
Box 19 , Folder 204 |
Chafee: Accomplishments
1987 |
Box 19 , Folder 205 |
Chafee: Accomplishments
1992 |
Box 19 , Folder 206 |
Chafee: Accomplishments
1997-1999 |
Box 19 , Folder 207 |
Chafee: Appointments and Nominations
1985-1986 |
Box 19 , Folder 208 |
Chafee: “Backgrounders”
[1995] |
Box 20 , Folder 209 |
Chafee: Committee Memberships
1977-1993 |
Box 20 , Folder 210 |
Chafee: Co-Sponsored Bills
1978 |
Box 20 , Folder 211 |
Chafee: Environmental Accomplishments
[1994] |
Box 20 , Folder 212 |
Chafee: Federal Assistance Flyer
undated |
Box 20 , Folder 213 |
Chafee: Finance Committee- Catastrophic Health Care Amendment
1989 |
Box 20 , Folder 214 |
Chafee: Fundraiser
1987 |
Box 20 , Folder 215 |
Chafee: Information and Overview on
1992 |
Box 20 , Folder 216 |
Chafee: Legislation Research
1988 |
Box 20 , Folder 217 |
Chafee: Media Shows
1986-1993 |
Box 20 , Folder 218 |
Chafee News: Miscellaneous Releases
1985-1986 |
Box 20 , Folder 219 |
Chafee: Profile and Record
1976-1989 |
Box 20 , Folder 220 |
“Chafee Reports” Newsletter
1978-1979 |
Box 20 , Folder 221 |
Chafee: Senate Record Vote Statistics 1977-1999
1977-1999 |
Box 20 , Folder 222 |
Chafee: Small Business Accomplishments
1993 |
Box 21 , Folder 223 |
Chafee: Statements
1988 |
Box 22 , Folder 224 |
Chafee: Statements
19911992 |
Box 23 , Folder 225 |
Chafee vs. Licht Campaign Issues
1988, 1991 |
Box 24 , Folder 226 |
Chafee vs. Licht Election
1988 |
Box 25 , Folder 227 |
Chafee Weekly Schedules
Feb-Jun 1995 |
Box 26 , Folder 228 |
Chafee Youth Leadership Conference
1983 |
Box 27 , Folder 229 |
Chamber of Commerce: Economic Summit
1991 |
Box 28 , Folder 230 |
Channel 36
1985-1988 |
Box 29 , Folder 231 |
Channel 36 Call-In
1991 |
Box 30 , Folder 232 |
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
1986 |
Box 31 , Folder 233 |
Child Abuse
1987 |
Box 32 , Folder 234 |
Child Care
1989 |
Box 33 , Folder 235 |
Child Care
1992 |
Box 34 , Folder 236 |
Child Labor
1997 |
Box 22 , Folder 237 |
Child Pornography
1989 |
Box 22 , Folder 238 |
Child Safety
undated |
Box 22 , Folder 239 |
Child Welfare
1997-1998 |
Box 22 , Folder 240 |
Childcare Press Event
1988 |
Box 22 , Folder 241 |
Childhood Poverty
1986-1989 |
Box 22 , Folder 242 |
Children and Families
1985-1989 |
Box 22 , Folder 243 |
Children’s Investment Trust
1990 |
Box 22 , Folder 244 |
Chile: Background Information
1991-1995 |
Box 22 , Folder 245 |
Chile: Fact Book
1996 |
Box 22 , Folder 246 |
Chile: Free Trade Agreement
1992-1995 |
Box 23 , Folder 247 |
Chile: Press Clips
1990-1994 |
Box 23 , Folder 248 |
Chile: Trade
1995 |
Box 23 , Folder 249 |
Chile and Canada Trade Deal
1995 |
Box 23 , Folder 250 |
1990 |
Box 23 , Folder 251 |
China: Charlene Barshefsky Testimony
1998 |
Box 23 , Folder 252 |
China: “Code of Conduct”
1996 |
Box 23 , Folder 253 |
China: Congressional Staffers’ Trip
1995 |
Box 23 , Folder 254 |
China: Dole Speech
1996 |
Box 23 , Folder 255 |
China: Executive Order
1993 |
Box 23 , Folder 256 |
China: Family Research Council
1997 |
Box 23 , Folder 257 |
China: Information
1993-1997 |
Box 23 , Folder 258 |
China: Intellectual Property Rights Sanctions
1995, 1996 |
Box 24 , Folder 259 |
China: Memorandum, Statements
1991 |
Box 24 , Folder 260 |
China: Normal Trade Relations
1991-1996 |
Box 24 , Folder 261 |
China: Normal Trade Relations
1993-1998 |
Box 24 , Folder 262 |
China: Normal Trade Relations
1998 |
Box 24 , Folder 263 |
China: Op-Ed Pieces on Most-Favored Nation Status
1997 |
Box 24 , Folder 264 |
China: Permanent Trade Status
1997 |
Box 24 , Folder 265 |
China: Petition for Release of Prisoners
1994 |
Box 24 , Folder 266 |
China: President’s Speech
1996 |
Box 24 , Folder 267 |
China: Press Debate
1997 |
Box 25 , Folder 268 |
China: Senate Finance Committee
1995, 1996 |
Box 25 , Folder 269 |
China: Senate Finance Committee Hearings
1997 |
Box 25 , Folder 270 |
China: Senatorial Statements
1991-1994 |
Box 25 , Folder 271 |
China: Special 301 Investigation on Intellectual Property
1991 |
Box 25 , Folder 272 |
China: Special 301 Investigation on Intellectual Property
1992 |
Box 25 , Folder 273 |
China: Special 301 Investigation on Intellectual Property
1995 |
Box 25 , Folder 274 |
China: Summit
1997 |
Box 25 , Folder 275 |
China: Toy Manufacturers of America, Inc.
1990-1995 |
Box 25 , Folder 276 |
China: United States Agreements
1994 |
Box 25 , Folder 277 |
China: United States Contracts
1992-1995 |
Box 25 , Folder 278 |
China: Wei Jingsheng Nobel Peace Prize Nomination
1994-1996 |
Box 26 , Folder 279 |
China-Most-Favored Nation: Action
1995 |
Box 26 , Folder 280 |
China-Most-Favored Nation: Clinton
1994 |
Box 26 , Folder 281 |
China-Most-Favored Nation: Hearing
1992 |
Box 26 , Folder 282 |
China-Most-Favored Nation: President’s Announcement
1997 |
Box 26 , Folder 283 |
China-Most-Favored Nation: Press Secretary
1991 |
Box 26 , Folder 284 |
China-Most-Favored Nation: Senate Bills
1992 |
Box 26 , Folder 285 |
China-Most-Favored Nation: Senate Views
1997 |
Box 26 , Folder 286 |
China-Most-Favored Nation: Senate Votes
1989-1996 |
Box 26 , Folder 287 |
China-Most-Favored Nation: Senate Working Group Files
1997 |
Box 26 , Folder 288 |
China-Most-Favored Nation Bill
1993 |
Box 26 , Folder 289 |
China-Most-Favored Nation Debate
1996 |
Box 26 , Folder 290 |
China-Most-Favored Nation Status for China: Rhode Island Companies
1990-1998 |
Box 27 , Folder 291 |
Church and State Issues
1988-1990 |
Box 27 , Folder 292 |
Church and State Issues
1988-1990 |
Box 27 , Folder 293 |
1984 |
Box 27 , Folder 294 |
1988-1989 |
Box 27 , Folder 295 |
Citizens Space Lobby
1997 |
Box 27 , Folder 296 |
Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants
1987 |
Box 27 , Folder 297 |
Civil Rights
1980-1989 |
Box 27 , Folder 298 |
Civil Rights
1986-1989 |
Box 28 , Folder 299 |
Civil Rights
1989 |
Box 28 , Folder 300 |
Civil Rights
1990 |
Box 28 , Folder 301 |
Civil Rights
1991 |
Box 28 , Folder 302 |
Civil Rights: American Civil Liberties Union
1989 |
Box 28 , Folder 303 |
Civil Rights: Conference Report
1990 |
Box 28 , Folder 304 |
Civil Rights: Court Slips
1970-1991 |
Box 29 , Folder 305 |
Civil Rights: Damages/ VII
1980-1991 |
Box 29 , Folder 306 |
Civil Rights: Fair Employment Practices
1989-1994 |
Box 29 , Folder 307 |
Civil Rights: Research Material
1978-1989 |
Box 29 , Folder 308 |
Civil Rights: Rhode Island
1989-1990 |
Box 29 , Folder 309 |
Civil Rights: United States Department of
1991 |
Box 29 , Folder 310 |
Civil Rights: William Lucas Nomination
1989 |
Box 29 , Folder 311 |
Civil Rights: Working Group
1990-1991 |
Box 30 , Folder 312 |
Civil Rights Act
1989-1991 |
Box 30 , Folder 313 |
Civil Rights Act
1990 |
Box 30 , Folder 314 |
Civil Rights Act
1991 |
Box 30 , Folder 315 |
Civil Rights Act: 1200 Series
1991 |
Box 30 , Folder 316 |
Civil Rights Act: 1400 Series
1991 |
Box 31 , Folder 317 |
Civil Rights Act: S.1745
1991 |
Box 31 , Folder 318 |
Civil Rights Act: Damages Cap
1991 |
Box 31 , Folder 319 |
Civil Rights Act: Dole Negotiations
1991 |
Box 31 , Folder 320 |
Civil Rights Act: Final
1991 |
Box 31 , Folder 321 |
Civil Rights Act: General Contractors of America
1991 |
Box 31 , Folder 322 |
Civil Rights Act: Letter of Outrage
1991 |
Box 31 , Folder 323 |
Civil Rights Act: News Clippings, Signing of Bill
1991 |
Box 31 , Folder 324 |
Civil Rights Act: Retroactivity
1989-1994 |
Box 32 , Folder 325 |
Civil Rights Act: Ward’s Cove
1991-1994 |
Box 32 , Folder 326 |
Civil Rights Bill
1990-1991 |
Box 32 , Folder 327 |
Civil Rights Bill: Federal Aviation
1991 |
Box 32 , Folder 328 |
Civil Rights Commission
1989 |
Box 32 , Folder 329 |
Civil Rights Proposals
1991 |
Box 32 , Folder 330 |
Civil Rights Restoration Act S.557
1983-1988 |
Box 32 , Folder 331 |
Civil Rights Restoration Act: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 32 , Folder 332 |
Civil Service Due Process Amendments
1989 |
Box 32 , Folder 333 |
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
1985 |
Box 32 , Folder 334 |
Civilian Marksmanship Program
1999 |
Box 32 , Folder 335 |
Clariant: General System of Preferences
1998 |
Box 32 , Folder 336 |
Clayton Act
1987 |
Box 33 , Folder 337 |
Clean Air Act
1989-1990 |
Box 33 , Folder 338 |
Clean Air Act
1989-1990 |
Box 33 , Folder 339 |
Clean Air Act
1989-1990 |
Box 33 , Folder 340 |
Clean Air Act
1990 |
Box 33 , Folder 341 |
Clean Air Act
1991-1992 |
Box 34 , Folder 342 |
Clean Water Act
1986 |
Box 34 , Folder 343 |
Clean Water Act
1990 |
Box 34 , Folder 344 |
Cliff Walk: Pell Testimony
1990-1998 |
Box 34 , Folder 345 |
Cliff Walk Funding
1992 |
Box 34 , Folder 346 |
Clinton, Hillary: Information File
1993 |
Box 34 , Folder 347 |
Clinton Impeachment
1998 |
Box 34 , Folder 348 |
Clinton Impeachment Notes
1998 |
Box 34 , Folder 349 |
Clinton Race Relations Initiative
1997-1998 |
Box 34 , Folder 350 |
Close-Up Foundation
1981 |
Box 34 , Folder 351 |
Closed Bases
1990 |
Box 34 , Folder 352 |
Cloture Votes, Vetoes and Overrides
1977-1984 |
Box 34 , Folder 353 |
CMS Topic Distribution
1990-1992 |
Box 34 , Folder 354 |
Coalition Against Big Trucks
1997 |
Box 35 , Folder 355 |
Coalition of New England Companies for Trade
1988-1996 |
Box 35 , Folder 356 |
Coast Guard
1988 |
Box 35 , Folder 357 |
Coast Guard
1989 |
Box 35 , Folder 358 |
Coast Guard
1991 |
Box 35 , Folder 359 |
Coast Guard
1998 |
Box 35 , Folder 360 |
Coast Guard: 200th Anniversary
1989 |
Box 35 , Folder 361 |
Coast Guard: Appropriations
1982-1989 |
Box 35 , Folder 362 |
Coast Guard: Block Island Station
1988 |
Box 35 , Folder 363 |
Coast Guard: Naval Education and Training Center
1995 |
Box 35 , Folder 364 |
Coast Guard: Safety Hearings
1998 |
Box 35 , Folder 365 |
Coast Guard: Sailing School Vessels Act
1982 |
Box 36 , Folder 366 |
Coast Guard Authorization Act
1989 |
Box 36 , Folder 367 |
Coast Guard Fact File
1988 |
Box 36 , Folder 368 |
Coastal Barriers
1990 |
Box 36 , Folder 369 |
Colibri Corporation Tariff Classification
1997 |
Box 36 , Folder 370 |
Command History: Chu Lai Camp, Viet Nam
1969, 1990 |
Box 36 , Folder 371 |
1987-1989 |
Box 36 , Folder 372 |
Commerce Dismantling
1995 |
Box 36 , Folder 373 |
Commission on National Service
1993 |
Box 36 , Folder 374 |
Committee Staffing for Environmental Issues
1980-1982 |
Box 37 , Folder 375 |
1984 |
Box 37 , Folder 376 |
Communications: E-Rate
1998 |
Box 37 , Folder 377 |
Communications: Telephone Services Act
1985 |
Box 37 , Folder 378 |
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)
1998 |
Box 37 , Folder 379 |
Communities: Development Program
1986 |
Box 37 , Folder 380 |
Community and Family Living Amendments: Senate Bill 873
1985 |
Box 37 , Folder 381 |
Community College of Rhode Island
1993 |
Box 37 , Folder 382 |
Community Development Block Grant Program
1989 |
Box 37 , Folder 383 |
Competitive Initiative
1990 |
Box 37 , Folder 384 |
Competitiveness: Textiles
1990 |
Box 37 , Folder 385 |
Competitiveness Forum
1991 |
Box 37 , Folder 386 |
Competition Between Government and Private Industry
1983 |
Box 37 , Folder 387 |
Compilation Materials on Issues from Previous Congresses
[1991] |
Box 37 , Folder 388 |
Compilation Materials on Issues from Previous Congresses
[1991] |
Box 38 , Folder 389 |
Computer Access
1987 |
Box 38 , Folder 390 |
Computer Work Orders
1987 |
Box 38 , Folder 391 |
Computer Work Orders: Press Releases
1990 |
Box 38 , Folder 392 |
Conference News
1985 |
Box 38 , Folder 393 |
Congratulatory Letters from Chafee
1997 |
Box 38 , Folder 394 |
Congratulatory Remarks and Appreciatory Note
1985 |
Box 38 , Folder 395 |
Congratulation Letters
1988-1991 |
Box 38 , Folder 396 |
Congressional Record
1984 |
Box 38 , Folder 397 |
Congressional Members Background
1984-1987 |
Box 38 , Folder 398 |
Congressional Services
1999 |
Box 38 , Folder 399 |
Congressional Staff Training
undated |
Box 38 , Folder 400 |
1982 |
Box 38 , Folder 401 |
Conservation on State and Local Rivers
1985 |
Box 38 , Folder 402 |
Consumer Choice Act
1985 |
Box 38 , Folder 403 |
Consumer Product Safety Commission
1989 |
Box 38 , Folder 404 |
Contras: Opposition to Aid
1985 |
Box 38 , Folder 405 |
Contact Information
undated |
Box 38 , Folder 406 |
Contract with America
1994 |
Box 39 , Folder 407 |
Contracting: Newport Naval Base
1983-1989 |
Box 39 , Folder 408 |
Contracting: Newport Naval Base
1989 |
Box 39 , Folder 409 |
Copyright Legislation
1989 |
Box 39 , Folder 410 |
Copyright Term Extension
1998 |
Box 39 , Folder 411 |
Corporate Abuses
1984 |
Box 39 , Folder 412 |
Corporate and Organization Correspondence
1987-1988 |
Box 39 , Folder 413 |
Corporate Auto: Fuel Economy
1985-1986 |
Box 39 , Folder 414 |
Corporate Takeovers
1985 |
Box 39 , Folder 415 |
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
1992 |
Box 39 , Folder 416 |
Corpus Christi Play
1998 |
Box 40 , Folder 417 |
Correspondence and Memoranda
1978-1982 |
Box 40 , Folder 418 |
Correspondence on Issues before Congress
1983-1985 |
Box 40 , Folder 419 |
Correspondence Management System Access Information
1984 |
Box 40 , Folder 420 |
Cost of Living Adjustments
1990 |
Box 40 , Folder 421 |
Council for a Livable World
1994 |
Box 40 , Folder 422 |
Counseling for Independent Living, Inc.
1992 |
Box 40 , Folder 423 |
Court Improvement Bill
no date |
Box 40 , Folder 424 |
Cranston Print Works
1998 |
Box 41 , Folder 425 |
Cranston Sewer System
1988 |
Box 41 , Folder 426 |
Cranston Street Armory
1997 |
Box 41 , Folder 427 |
Credit Union Crisis
1991 |
Box 41 , Folder 428 |
Crime Bill
1992-1995 |
Box 41 , Folder 429 |
Crime Bill
1994 |
Box 41 , Folder 430 |
Crime Bill Trust Fund
1993-1994 |
Box 41 , Folder 431 |
Crime Identification Technology Act
1998 |
Box 41 , Folder 432 |
Criminal Code Reform
1982 |
Box 41 , Folder 433 |
Criminal Illegal Aliens
1999 |
Box 41 , Folder 434 |
Customs Consolidation
1982 |
Box 41 , Folder 435 |
Customs Hearings: Action Plan
1999 |
Box 42 , Folder 436 |
Customs Hearings: Automated Export System
1998-1999 |
Box 42 , Folder 437 |
Customs Hearings: Automation
1998 |
Box 42 , Folder 438 |
Customs Hearings: House and Senate Actions
1997-1998 |
Box 42 , Folder 439 |
Customs Hearings: Information
1998 |
Box 42 , Folder 440 |
Customs Hearings: Oversight Issues
1999 |
Box 42 , Folder 441 |
Customs Hearings: Personnel at Borders
1998 |
Box 42 , Folder 442 |
Customs Hearings: Staff Memorandum
1998 |
Box 42 , Folder 443 |
Customs Hearings: Testimony
1998 |
Box 42 , Folder 444 |
Customs Inspections: Miami International
1995 |
Box 42 , Folder 445 |
Danforth-Chafee Europe Trip Briefing Book
1992 |
Box 43 , Folder 446 |
Davis-Beacon Act
1989 |
Box 43 , Folder 447 |
Davis-Beacon Act and Senate Vote
1979-1993 |
Box 43 , Folder 448 |
Dead Letter File
1985-1986 |
Box 43 , Folder 449 |
Dear Colleague Letters
1980-1981 |
Box 43 , Folder 450 |
Dear Colleague Letters
1989 |
Box 43 , Folder 451 |
Dear Colleague Letters
1991-1994 |
Box 43 , Folder 452 |
Death Penalty
1991 |
Box 43 , Folder 453 |
DeBlois, Robert: Transitional Learning Project
1988-1989 |
Box 43 , Folder 454 |
1988 |
Box 43 , Folder 455 |
1997-1999 |
Box 43 , Folder 456 |
Defense: Appropriations
1989-1990 |
Box 43 , Folder 457 |
Defense: Budget
1989-1990 |
Box 44 , Folder 458 |
Defense: Defense Mapping Agency
1986 |
Box 44 , Folder 459 |
Defense: Economic Adjustment
1992-1994 |
Box 44 , Folder 460 |
Defense: Greenpeace News
1989 |
Box 44 , Folder 461 |
Defense: Silver Stockpile
1985 |
Box 44 , Folder 462 |
Defense: Tower Nomination
1989 |
Box 44 , Folder 463 |
Defense: Trident Submarine Program
1986 |
Box 44 , Folder 464 |
Defense Authorization Bills
1994 |
Box 44 , Folder 465 |
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
1990 |
Box 44 , Folder 466 |
Defense and Drugs
1989-1990 |
Box 44 , Folder 467 |
Defense Bill
1991-1992 |
Box 44 , Folder 468 |
Defense Contracting
1985-1990 |
Box 45 , Folder 469 |
Defense Conversion
1992 |
Box 45 , Folder 470 |
Defense Diversification
1986-1992 |
Box 45 , Folder 471 |
Defense Diversification
1992-1993 |
Box 45 , Folder 472 |
Defense Economic Adjustment Plan
1991 |
Box 45 , Folder 473 |
Defense Procurement Studies
1988 |
Box 45 , Folder 474 |
Defense/Foreign Policy: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 46 , Folder 475 |
1983-1988 |
Box 46 , Folder 476 |
Depositors Economic Protection Corporation
1991 |
Box 46 , Folder 477 |
Derecktor Contract
1990 |
Box 46 , Folder 478 |
Developmental Disabilities Articles
1983 |
Box 46 , Folder 479 |
Developmentally Handicapped Conference
1984 |
Box 46 , Folder 480 |
Devine Nomination
1985 |
Box 46 , Folder 481 |
Diocese of Washington Nuclear Arms Control Report
1985 |
Box 46 , Folder 482 |
1989 |
Box 46 , Folder 483 |
Direct Mail Operation
1986-1988 |
Box 47 , Folder 484 |
Direct Mail Operation
1987 |
Box 47 , Folder 485 |
Direct Popular Election
1979 |
Box 47 , Folder 486 |
Disabilities Act
1989 |
Box 47 , Folder 487 |
Disabled: Community Residences
1985-1986 |
Box 47 , Folder 488 |
Disabled Persons
1991 |
Box 47 , Folder 489 |
Disaster Reinsurance
1999 |
Box 47 , Folder 490 |
Disease Notification Bill
1987-1989 |
Box 47 , Folder 491 |
Disease Notification Bill
1989 |
Box 47 , Folder 492 |
Down’s Syndrome
1984 |
Box 47 , Folder 493 |
Down’s Syndrome
1993 |
Box 47 , Folder 494 |
Drinking Age Act
1984 |
Box 48 , Folder 495 |
Drug Abuse
1994-1995 |
Box 48 , Folder 496 |
Drug Addiction
1989, 1990 |
Box 48 , Folder 497 |
Drug Bill
1986 |
Box 48 , Folder 498 |
Drug Testing
1988-1989 |
Box 48 , Folder 499 |
Drugs and Alcohol
1988 |
Box 48 , Folder 500 |
Drunk Driving
1996, 1998 |
Box 48 , Folder 501 |
Earth Day
1990 |
Box 48 , Folder 502 |
Eastern Airlines Strike
1989 |
Box 48 , Folder 503 |
Eastern Airlines Strike
1989 |
Box 48 , Folder 504 |
Eastern Airlines Strike
1989-1990 |
Box 48 , Folder 505 |
“E” Award: Department of Commerce
1992 |
Box 49 , Folder 506 |
Economic Development: State Ads
1991-1994 |
Box 49 , Folder 507 |
Economic Development Hearing
1991-1992 |
Box 49 , Folder 508 |
Economic Development Hearing
1991-1992 |
Box 49 , Folder 509 |
Economic Performance Since 1981: Analysis
1988 |
Box 49 , Folder 510 |
Economic Recovery Hearings: Rhode Island
1992 |
Box 49 , Folder 511 |
Economic Sanctions: Cuba, Iran, Libya
1995-1998 |
Box 49 , Folder 512 |
Economy: Equipment Lessors
1990 |
Box 49 , Folder 513 |
Economy Event: Rhode Island
1994 |
Box 50 , Folder 514 |
Economy Initiative: Rhode Island
1992 |
Box 50 , Folder 515 |
Economy: Rhode Island
1991 |
Box 50 , Folder 516 |
Editors Mailing Lists
1990 |
Box 50 , Folder 517 |
1989-1990 |
Box 50 , Folder 518 |
1991-1992 |
Box 50 , Folder 519 |
1998, 1999 |
Box 50 , Folder 520 |
Education: America 2000
1991 |
Box 50 , Folder 521 |
Education: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 50 , Folder 522 |
Education: Higher Education Act
1991 |
Box 50 , Folder 523 |
Education: Senate Youth Program
1985 |
Box 50 , Folder 524 |
Education: Television Networks
1983 |
Box 50 , Folder 525 |
Education: White House Conference
1981 |
Box 50 , Folder 526 |
Education Forum
1990 |
Box 51 , Folder 527 |
Education of the Handicapped
1989 |
Box 51 , Folder 528 |
Electric Boat
1985-1986 |
Box 51 , Folder 529 |
Electric Boat
1990 |
Box 51 , Folder 530 |
Ellis Island
1986 |
Box 51 , Folder 531 |
El Salvador
1989-1990 |
Box 51 , Folder 532 |
El Salvador: Intelligence Committee Report
1984-1988 |
Box 51 , Folder 533 |
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations
1999 |
Box 51 , Folder 534 |
Emergency Supplemental Rescissions
1999 |
Box 51 , Folder 535 |
Employment: Disgruntled Worker Violence
1990-1994 |
Box 52 , Folder 536 |
Employment: Double-breasted Operations
1985-1989 |
Box 52 , Folder 537 |
Employment: Flexitime Program
1985 |
Box 52 , Folder 538 |
Employment: Job Creation
1994 |
Box 52 , Folder 539 |
Employment Security, Department of
1981-1987 |
Box 52 , Folder 540 |
Endangered Species
1990 |
Box 52 , Folder 541 |
1985-1989 |
Box 52 , Folder 542 |
Enervations Contract
1999 |
Box 52 , Folder 543 |
Enments: Notch Adjustment Act
1989 |
Box 52 , Folder 544 |
1984-1985 |
Box 53 , Folder 545 |
1987, 1989 |
Box 53 , Folder 546 |
1990 |
Box 53 , Folder 547 |
1990 |
Box 53 , Folder 548 |
1991-1993 |
Box 53 , Folder 549 |
Environment: 102nd Congress
1991-1992 |
Box 54 , Folder 550 |
Environment: 102nd Congress
1991-1992 |
Box 54 , Folder 551 |
Environment: Disposable Diapers
1989 |
Box 54 , Folder 552 |
Environment: Interparliamentary Conference on the Global Environment
1990 |
Box 54 , Folder 553 |
Environment: Rhode Island
1986-1989 |
Box 54 , Folder 554 |
Environment and Energy Package
undated |
Box 54 , Folder 555 |
Environment and Public Works
1985 |
Box 54 , Folder 556 |
Environmental and Energy Study Conference
1984-1985 |
Box 55 , Folder 557 |
Environmental Conservation
1987-1988 |
Box 55 , Folder 558 |
Environmental Legislation
1991 |
Box 55 , Folder 559 |
Environmental Protection Agency (Background Material)
1983-1985 |
Box 55 , Folder 560 |
Environmental Zones Bill
1985 |
Box 55 , Folder 561 |
Equal Remedies Act
1992 |
Box 55 , Folder 562 |
Equal Rights Amendment
1985 |
Box 55 , Folder 563 |
Ethics: Jim Wright
1989 |
Box 55 , Folder 564 |
Ethics: Pay Raises
1989 |
Box 55 , Folder 565 |
Ethics: Political Gifts
1985 |
Box 55 , Folder 566 |
Ethics Committee Information
1984 |
Box 55 , Folder 567 |
Ethics Committee Interpretive Rulings
1977-1980 |
Box 56 , Folder 568 |
Europe and Soviet Union
1990 |
Box 56 , Folder 569 |
European Union: Wireless Communications
1999 |
Box 56 , Folder 570 |
Excise Tax Labeling Problems
1990 |
Box 56 , Folder 571 |
Executive Session of Judiciary
1992 |
Box 56 , Folder 572 |
Ex-IM Bank: U.S. Trade and Development
1995-1997 |
Box 56 , Folder 573 |
Export Controls: Super Computers
1997 |
Box 56 , Folder 574 |
Fair Housing Bill
1988 |
Box 56 , Folder 575 |
Fair Housing Bill
1988 |
Box 56 , Folder 576 |
Family Leave and Senate Vote
1977-1993 |
Box 57 , Folder 577 |
Federal Building Project
1975-1980 |
Box 57 , Folder 578 |
Federal Election Committee Report
1983 |
Box 57 , Folder 579 |
Federal Election Committee Report
1983, 1989 |
Box 57 , Folder 580 |
Federal Election Committee Report
1989 |
Box 57 , Folder 581 |
Federal Election Commission: Breakdown Reports
1988 |
Box 57 , Folder 582 |
Federal Employees Retirement Funds
1981 |
Box 57 , Folder 583 |
Federal Housing Administration
1988 |
Box 57 , Folder 584 |
Federal Judiciary Protection Act
1999 |
Box 58 , Folder 585 |
Federal Prison Industries Contract
1991 |
Box 58 , Folder 586 |
Federal Trade Commission: Funeral Rule
1983 |
Box 58 , Folder 587 |
Federal Trade Commission: Used Car Rule
1981-1982 |
Box 58 , Folder 588 |
Female Genial Mutilation Asylum
1996 |
Box 58 , Folder 589 |
Ferguson, Christie: Legislative Assistant
1990-1991 |
Box 58 , Folder 590 |
Fidelity Investments: Taiwan Problem
1999 |
Box 58 , Folder 590a |
Finances: News Articles
1990-1991 |
Box 58 , Folder 591 |
Firefighter Census
1990-1991 |
Box 58 , Folder 592 |
Firefighter Issues
1995 |
Box 58 , Folder 593 |
Fish Safety Act
1990 |
Box 58 , Folder 594 |
1984-1988 |
Box 59 , Folder 595 |
1994 |
Box 59 , Folder 596 |
Fisheries: French Ban
1994 |
Box 59 , Folder 597 |
Fisheries: Mackerel Trade
1992 |
Box 59 , Folder 598 |
Fisheries: Seafreeze Ltd. Petition
1994 |
Box 59 , Folder 599 |
Fisheries: Total Allowable Level of Foreign Fishing (TALFF)
1993 |
Box 59 , Folder 600 |
Fishing Industry
1985-1986 |
Box 59 , Folder 601 |
Flag Burning
1989-1990 |
Box 59 , Folder 602 |
Flag Burning Incidents
1995-1999 |
Box 59 , Folder 603 |
Floor Action: Aid to Central American Countries
1989-1990 |
Box 59 , Folder 604 |
Floor Action: Foreign Assistance to Peru, Bolivia, Nicaragua
1990 |
Box 59 , Folder 605 |
Floor Action: Israel Guaranteed Housing Loan
1989-1990 |
Box 59 , Folder 606 |
Floor Action: Jerusalem
1990 |
Box 59 , Folder 607 |
Focus Newsletter
Mar-Nov 1992 |
Box 59 , Folder 608 |
Food Stamps
1979 |
Box 59 , Folder 609 |
Food Stamps
1985 |
Box 60 , Folder 610 |
Ford Foundation Speech
1985 |
Box 60 , Folder 611 |
Foreign Affairs
1985 |
Box 60 , Folder 612 |
Foreign Affairs
1989-1991 |
Box 60 , Folder 613 |
Foreign Affairs: 102nd Congress
1991 |
Box 60 , Folder 614 |
Foreign Aid
1988 |
Box 60 , Folder 615 |
Foreign Aid: Asia, Cambodia, Viet Nam
1988-1990 |
Box 60 , Folder 616 |
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
1985 |
Box 60 , Folder 617 |
Foreign Policy
1989-1991 |
Box 60 , Folder 618 |
Foreign Trade
1991 |
Box 60 , Folder 619 |
Foreign Trade
1991 |
Box 61 , Folder 620 |
Foreign Trade
1991 |
Box 61 , Folder 621 |
Foreign Trade: Fast Track Authority
1997, 1999 |
Box 61 , Folder 622 |
Franked Mass Mailings
1989 |
Box 61 , Folder 623 |
1982 |
Box 61 , Folder 624 |
1997 |
Box 61 , Folder 625 |
Gambling Casino in Providence
1992 |
Box 61 , Folder 626 |
Gates, Robert: Nomination for Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
1991 |
Box 61 , Folder 627 |
Gay Issues Articles
1999 |
Box 61 , Folder 628 |
Gay Rights
1989 |
Box 62 , Folder 629 |
Gays in the Military: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
1996, 1998 |
Box 62 , Folder 630 |
General Cable: General System of Preferences
1995 |
Box 62 , Folder 631 |
General System of Preferences
1989-1996 |
Box 62 , Folder 632 |
General System of Preferences: Guatemala
1992-1994 |
Box 62 , Folder 633 |
General System of Preferences: Indonesia
1994 |
Box 62 , Folder 634 |
General System of Preferences: Malaysia
1995 |
Box 62 , Folder 635 |
General System of Preferences: Renewal
1993-1995 |
Box 62 , Folder 636 |
German-American Relations: Richard Lugar Speech
1991 |
Box 62 , Folder 637 |
Global Electric Commerce
1997 |
Box 62 , Folder 638 |
Goals 2000 Statement
1994 |
Box 62 , Folder 639 |
Green Airport
1982-1985 |
Box 62 , Folder 640 |
Greenhouse Compact
1984 |
Box 62 , Folder 641 |
Greenhouse Effect
1986 |
Box 63 , Folder 642 |
Greenhouse Effect
1989 |
Box 63 , Folder 643 |
Greenhouse Effect
1989-1992 |
Box 63 , Folder 644 |
Greyhound Bus Strike
1990 |
Box 63 , Folder 645 |
Griswold, David: Chafee Correspondence File
1986-1987 |
Box 63 , Folder 646 |
Griswold, David: Memoranda, Speeches, Statements
1983-1987 |
Box 63 , Folder 647 |
Gross Receipts Taxes
1986 |
Box 63 , Folder 648 |
Gulf Oil Report, Harper’s Magazine
1985 |
Box 63 , Folder 649 |
Gulf Pollution Task Force
1991 |
Box 63 , Folder 650 |
Haiti Resolution
1994 |
Box 63 , Folder 651 |
Handgun Prices
1992 |
Box 63 , Folder 652 |
Handicapped Action Committee
1982 |
Box 63 , Folder 653 |
Handwritten Notes and Messages
1988 |
Box 63 , Folder 654 |
Hannibal Person List: Chafee Committee
1989 |
Box 63 , Folder 655 |
Harrari, Michael
1989-1990 |
Box 63 , Folder 656 |
Hart Building
1978-1980 |
Box 63 , Folder 657 |
Hasbro-Mattel Merger
1996 |
Box 64 , Folder 658 |
Hasbro News Clippings
1992-1996 |
Box 64 , Folder 659 |
Hasbro Toy Problems
1978 |
Box 64 , Folder 660 |
Hastings, Alcee L.
1988 |
Box 64 , Folder 661 |
Hastings, Alcee L.: Impeachment Hearings
1989 |
Box 64 , Folder 662 |
Hastings Impeachment: Votes
1989 |
Box 64 , Folder 663 |
Hastings Press Clips
1989 |
Box 64 , Folder 664 |
Hate and Prejudice Articles
1990 |
Box 64 , Folder 665 |
Hate and Prejudice Editorial
1990 |
Box 64 , Folder 666 |
Hate Crimes
1988-1989 |
Box 65 , Folder 667 |
Hate Crimes: Data Reports
1989-1992 |
Box 65 , Folder 668 |
Hate Crimes: News Clippings
1990 |
Box 65 , Folder 669 |
Hate Crimes Statistics Act
1989 |
Box 65 , Folder 670 |
Hate Speech Codes
1991 |
Box 65 , Folder 671 |
Hazardous Waste
1989 |
Box 65 , Folder 672 |
Hazardous Waste: 102nd Congress
1990-1991 |
Box 65 , Folder 673 |
Health, Rhode Island Department of: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
1993 |
Box 65 , Folder 674 |
Health Care Reform Articles
1993-1994 |
Box 65 , Folder 675 |
Health Care Reform Articles
1993-1994 |
Box 66 , Folder 676 |
Hellcat Plane Recovery
1994 |
Box 66 , Folder 677 |
Helmet and Seatbelt Laws
1990 |
Box 66 , Folder 678 |
Helmet and Seatbelts: 102nd Congress
1991-1992 |
Box 66 , Folder 679 |
Helms Crime Bill Amendment
1991 |
Box 66 , Folder 680 |
Higgins, Martina
1994 |
Box 66 , Folder 681 |
High School Hockey
1986 |
Box 66 , Folder 682 |
1989-1990 |
Box 66 , Folder 683 |
Highways: 102nd Congress
1991 |
Box 66 , Folder 684 |
Hispanic Affairs
1988-1991 |
Box 67 , Folder 685 |
Hispanic Census Information
1991 |
Box 67 , Folder 686 |
Hispanic Population in Rhode Island
1984 |
Box 67 , Folder 687 |
Historic Homeowner Tax Credit
1994-1996 |
Box 67 , Folder 688 |
Historic Homeownership Act
1997 |
Box 67 , Folder 689 |
Historic Homeownership Act
1998 |
Box 67 , Folder 690 |
Historic Places Register
1993 |
Box 68 , Folder 691 |
Historic Preservation, National Trust for
1985 |
Box 68 , Folder 692 |
Historical Preservation
1988 |
Box 68 , Folder 693 |
Historical Preservation
1990-1999 |
Box 68 , Folder 694 |
Historical Preservation: Estimating the Number of Historic Residential Buildings that Might Qualify for Proposed Federal Preservation Tax Incentives
1993 |
Box 68 , Folder 695 |
Historical Preservation: National Register
1997-1998 |
Box 68 , Folder 696 |
Historical Preservation: Rehabilitation Projects
1996-1998 |
Box 68 , Folder 697 |
Historical Preservation: Response to Congressional Inquiry Regarding Federal Income Tax Credits
1997 |
Box 68 , Folder 698 |
Historical Preservation: Tax Incentives
1998 |
Box 68 , Folder 699 |
Hmong Resettlement
1996 |
Box 68 , Folder 700 |
Hodosh, Milton
1989 |
Box 69 , Folder 701 |
Hoechst, Celanese
1993-1996 |
Box 69 , Folder 702 |
Holson-Burnes and China Sanctions
1996 |
Box 69 , Folder 702A |
Home Builders, National Association of
1990 |
Box 69 , Folder 703 |
Home Buyers Savings Act
1988 |
Box 69 , Folder 704 |
Home Equity Conversion
1984-1988 |
Box 69 , Folder 705 |
Home Ownership Affordability
1987-1989 |
Box 69 , Folder 706 |
Homeless: Congress, Congressional Candidates Forum
1994 |
Box 69 , Folder 707 |
Homeless Security Act: Congressional Reports
1987-1988 |
Box 70 , Folder 708 |
Homeless Security Act, Stuart B. McKinney
1987-1988 |
Box 70 , Folder 719 |
Hopkinton: Prison Proposal
1988 |
Box 70 , Folder 710 |
Hotline Report
1988 |
Box 70 , Folder 711 |
1995 |
Box 70 , Folder 712 |
1996 |
Box 71 , Folder 713 |
Housing: 102nd Congress
1991 |
Box 71 , Folder 714 |
Housing: Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Plan
1987-1989 |
Box 71 , Folder 715 |
Housing: Cost Guidelines
1988 |
Box 71 , Folder 716 |
Housing: General News Articles
1988 |
Box 71 , Folder 717 |
Housing: Press Releases, Vote Analysis
1977-1993 |
Box 71 , Folder 718 |
Housing and Community Development Act Reports
1987 |
Box 72 , Folder 719 |
Housing and Urban Development Appropriations
1988-1990 |
Box 72 , Folder 720 |
Housing Bill
1986 |
Box 72 , Folder 721 |
Housing Bill
1987 |
Box 72 , Folder 722 |
Housing Bill
1988 |
Box 72 , Folder 723 |
Housing Bill
1994 |
Box 73 , Folder 724 |
Housing Press Releases
1982-1987 |
Box 73 , Folder 725 |
1989-1990 |
Box 73 , Folder 726 |
Immigration: Articles
1989 |
Box 73 , Folder 727 |
Immigration: Business, Labor Testimonies
1989 |
Box 73 , Folder 728 |
Immigration: Church Testimony
1988-1989 |
Box 73 , Folder 729 |
Immigration: Family Unity
1989 |
Box 73 , Folder 730 |
Immigration: Portugal
1991 |
Box 73 , Folder 731 |
Immigration Act
1989 |
Box 73 , Folder 732 |
Immigration Natural Services: Political Asylum
1989 |
Box 73 , Folder 733 |
Immigration Reform
1989 |
Box 73 , Folder 734 |
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: Family Fairness Policy
1987 |
Box 74 , Folder 735 |
Immigration Reform Steering Committee
1989 |
Box 74 , Folder 736 |
1998 |
Box 74 , Folder 737 |
1985 |
Box 74 , Folder 738 |
Income Equality
1992, 1995 |
Box 74 , Folder 739 |
Independence Day Background Material
1989 |
Box 74 , Folder 740 |
Independent Counsel Statute
1999 |
Box 74 , Folder 741 |
Indian Gaming Act
1986 |
Box 74 , Folder 742 |
Indian Tariffs
1997 |
Box 74 , Folder 743 |
Indoor Air Pollution
1988-1992 |
Box 74 , Folder 744 |
Industrial Development Bond Program
1991 |
Box 74 , Folder 745 |
Information Requests
1984 |
Box 74 , Folder 746 |
Ingram Investigation
1994 |
Box 74 , Folder 747 |
Inmate Recreation Programs
1994 |
Box 74 , Folder 748 |
Institutional Care: Legal Research for S.2053
1984 |
Box 74 , Folder 749 |
Institutional Care: Legal Research for S.2053
1984 |
Box 75 , Folder 750 |
Insurance: American Tort Reform
1987 |
Box 75 , Folder 751 |
Insurance Practices Act
1983 |
Box 75 , Folder 752 |
Insurance Regulation
1990 |
Box 75 , Folder 753 |
Intellectual Property Rights
1988, 1995 |
Box 75 , Folder 754 |
Intellectual Property Rights: Special 301
1998 |
Box 75 , Folder 755 |
Intellectual Property Rights: Special 301 Annual Review
1991-1998 |
Box 75 , Folder 756 |
Intelligence Committee Agenda
1991 |
Box 75 , Folder 757 |
Interest Rates
1994 |
Box 76 , Folder 758 |
Internal Revenue Service
1990 |
Box 76 , Folder 759 |
Internal Revenue Service: Providence Office Cut-Backs
1978 |
Box 76 , Folder 760 |
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
1989-1990 |
Box 76 , Folder 761 |
International Medical Trading Company
1991 |
Box 76 , Folder 762 |
International Monetary Fund
1997-1998 |
Box 76 , Folder 763 |
International Monetary Fund
1998 |
Box 76 , Folder 764 |
International Monetary Fund: Congressional
1998 |
Box 76 , Folder 765 |
International Monetary Fund: Government
1998 |
Box 76 , Folder 766 |
International Monetary Fund: Press Articles
1998 |
Box 77 , Folder 767 |
International Packaging
1993 |
Box 77 , Folder 768 |
International Packaging
1993 |
Box 77 , Folder 769 |
International Packaging
1994 |
Box 77 , Folder 770 |
International Packaging: Breaux Jewelry Bill S.3071
1994 |
Box 77 , Folder 771 |
International Population
1989-1992 |
Box 78 , Folder 772 |
International Populations Issues
1989-1990 |
Box 78 , Folder 773 |
International Trade Commission
1994-1996 |
Box 78 , Folder 774 |
International Trade Data Network
1996 |
Box 78 , Folder 775 |
Internet Gambling
1998 |
Box 78 , Folder 776 |
Interns, Pages
1989-1991 |
Box 78 , Folder 777 |
Interns File: Page of Contents
1993 |
Box 78 , Folder 778 |
Inter-Office Memoranda and Legislative Initiatives
1977-1979 |
Box 78 , Folder 779 |
Interplanetary Conference on Global Environment
1990 |
Box 78 , Folder 780 |
Interstate Banking Bill
1994 |
Box 78 , Folder 781 |
Interstate Commerce Commission Sunset Act
1995 |
Box 79 , Folder 782 |
Invitation Endorsements
1987-1988 |
Box 79 , Folder 783 |
Invitation Endorsements
1989 |
Box 79 , Folder 784 |
Invitations to Government Officials and Important Persons
1981-1982 |
Box 79 , Folder 785 |
1987-1988 |
Box 79 , Folder 786 |
Israeli Embassy Move
1984 |
Box 80 , Folder 787 |
Jail: Central Falls
1991 |
Box 80 , Folder 788 |
Jamestown Bridge
1980 |
Box 80 , Folder 789 |
Japan: Kodak Case
1997 |
Box 80 , Folder 790 |
Japan Automobile Amendment
1995 |
Box 80 , Folder 791 |
Japanese-American Internment Statement
1985 |
Box 80 , Folder 792 |
Japanese Insurance Agreement
1998-1999 |
Box 80 , Folder 793 |
Jewelry: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
1998-1999 |
Box 80 , Folder 794 |
Jewelry: Commerce Study
1985, 1997 |
Box 80 , Folder 795 |
Jewelry: Senate Caucus
1997 |
Box 80 , Folder 796 |
Jewelry: Virgin Islands
1997 |
Box 80 , Folder 797 |
Job Training
1990 |
Box 80 , Folder 798 |
Jobs Bill: HR 1718
1983 |
Box 80 , Folder 799 |
Johnson and Wales
1992 |
Box 80 , Folder 800 |
Johnson and Wales Tuition Assistance
1985 |
Box 80 , Folder 801 |
Joint Research and Development Ventures
1983 |
Box 81 , Folder 802 |
Jones Act: Intrepid Registration
1993-1995 |
Box 81 , Folder 803 |
Jones Act: Waiver for High Speed Ferry Providence-Newport
1999 |
Box 81 , Folder 804 |
Jordan: Arms Sales
31201 |
Box 81 , Folder 805 |
Jostens Ring Company
1989-1999 |
Box 81 , Folder 806 |
Judge Ernest Torres Nomination
1987 |
Box 81 , Folder 807 |
1985 |
Box 81 , Folder 808 |
Judicial Nominations: Roger Williams University Law Review
1996 |
Box 81 , Folder 809 |
1986-1990 |
Box 81 , Folder 810 |
Juvenile Justice: X
1986 |
Box 82 , Folder 811 |
Kennedy, Patrick: Boat Bill
1999 |
Box 82 , Folder 812 |
Kennedy, Patrick: New Clippings
1991-1996 |
Box 82 , Folder 813 |
“Key Vote” Interest Group Ratings by Selected Issues
1987-1991 |
Box 82 , Folder 814 |
King, Martin Luther
1989, 1994 |
Box 82 , Folder 815 |
King, Rodney
1992 |
Box 82 , Folder 816 |
Kusher, Linda
1989-1993 |
Box 83 , Folder 817 |
Labor: AIDS Amendments
1991 |
Box 83 , Folder 818 |
Labor: Fiscal Year Budget
1993 |
Box 83 , Folder 819 |
Labor: Harkin Amendment
1991 |
Box 83 , Folder 820 |
Labor: Health and Human Services, Adolescent Family Life
1990 |
Box 83 , Folder 821 |
Labor: Health and Human Services Budget
1992 |
Box 83 , Folder 822 |
Labor: Homefront Appropriations Amendment
1991 |
Box 83 , Folder 823 |
Labor: Legislative Notice
1991 |
Box 83 , Folder 824 |
Labor: Memoranda and Statements
1991 |
Box 83 , Folder 825 |
Labor: Occupational Health, Bloodborne Disease Amendment
1990 |
Box 83 , Folder 826 |
Labor: Reid Amendment: Domestic Violence
1991 |
Box 83 , Folder 827 |
Labor: Senate Record Vote Analysis
1990 |
Box 83 , Folder 828 |
Labor Committee Legislation- Minimum Wage, Parental Leave
1989 |
Box 84 , Folder 829 |
Labor Issues: 101st Congress
1989 |
Box 84 , Folder 830 |
Labor Letters
1990 |
Box 84 , Folder 831 |
Labor Surplus Areas: Availability of Bidding Preferences
1981 |
Box 84 , Folder 832 |
Labor Unions
1981-1982 |
Box 84 , Folder 833 |
Labor-Management Relations
1978-1992 |
Box 84 , Folder 834 |
Lake Washington
1987-1988 |
Box 84 , Folder 835 |
Landmine Ban Bill
1997 |
Box 84 , Folder 836 |
Law Enforcement
1989 |
Box 84 , Folder 837 |
Law Enforcement
34614 |
Box 84 , Folder 838 |
Lead Poisoning
1990-1992 |
Box 84 , Folder 839 |
Legal Services
1989 |
Box 84 , Folder 840 |
Legal Services Corporation
1982-1985 |
Box 84 , Folder 841 |
Legislative Agenda for 103rd Congress
1992 |
Box 85 , Folder 842 |
Legislative Constituent Mailings
1987 |
Box 85 , Folder 843 |
Legislative Goals
1983 |
Box 85 , Folder 844 |
Legislative Notices
1984 |
Box 85 , Folder 845 |
Legislative Profile Reports
[1988-1994] |
Box 85 , Folder 846 |
Legislative Quick Reference Guides, “Legis”
1989 |
Box 85 , Folder 847 |
Legislative Record
1980 |
Box 85 , Folder 848 |
Legislative Schedules
1979-1981 |
Box 85 , Folder 849 |
Legislative Staff
1981 |
Box 85 , Folder 850 |
Leonard, Barbara: General Services Administration
1987 |
Box 85 , Folder 851 |
“Letters to Rhode Island”: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 85 , Folder 852 |
Library Awareness Program: Federal Bureau of Investigation
1988 |
Box 86 , Folder 853 |
Lifeline Telephone Service
1985-1988 |
Box 86 , Folder 854 |
Lifeline Telephone Service Act
1985, 1988 |
Box 86 , Folder 855 |
1989-1991 |
Box 86 , Folder 856 |
Line Item Veto
1984-1985 |
Box 86 , Folder 857 |
1985-1986, 1989 |
Box 86 , Folder 858 |
Literacy Act
1989-1990 |
Box 86 , Folder 859 |
Literacy Articles
1989 |
Box 86 , Folder 860 |
Literacy Forum
1986 |
Box 86 , Folder 861 |
Lobbying Reform
1995 |
Box 86 , Folder 862 |
Lumber Trade with Canada
1997 |
Box 87 , Folder 863 |
Mandamp;M Trademark Infringement
1986-1987 |
Box 87 , Folder 864 |
Mackerel (Seafreeze) Study
1992 |
Box 87 , Folder 865 |
Magaziner, Ira: White House Fine Over National Health Care Plan Violation: News Article
1998 |
Box 87 , Folder 866 |
Magnet Schools
1987 |
Box 87 , Folder 867 |
Mail Group List
1987-1988 |
Box 87 , Folder 868 |
Mailing: Response Letters
1989 |
Box 87 , Folder 869 |
Mailing Ballot Updates
1987-1988 |
Box 88 , Folder 870 |
Mailing Lists
1980 |
Box 88 , Folder 871 |
Malcolm Baldridge Award
1987 |
Box 88 , Folder 872 |
Malloy, Thomas A.
1979 |
Box 88 , Folder 873 |
Mandates Information Act
1999 |
Box 88 , Folder 874 |
Manufacturing Clause
1985 |
Box 88 , Folder 875 |
Manufacturing Jewelers and Silversmiths of America
1998 |
Box 88 , Folder 876 |
Marathon House
1987 |
Box 88 , Folder 877 |
Martinez Nomination: Drug Czar Position
1991 |
Box 88 , Folder 878 |
Mass Mailings
1981-1982 |
Box 88 , Folder 879 |
Math and Science Bill
1983, 1985 |
Box 88 , Folder 880 |
Matrix Corporation
1993 |
Box 88 , Folder 881 |
Mattingly Amendment
1985 |
Box 88 , Folder 882 |
Mayors’ Conference
35282 |
Box 88 , Folder 883 |
McCain Amendment: Defense Appropriations Act
1997 |
Box 88 , Folder 884 |
McClure Trade Task Force
1983-1984 |
Box 88 , Folder 885 |
Media: Rhode Island
1991 |
Box 89 , Folder 886 |
Medicaid Letters
1990 |
Box 89 , Folder 887 |
Medical Savings Accounts
1994 |
Box 89 , Folder 888 |
Medical Waste
1989 |
Box 89 , Folder 889 |
1990 |
Box 89 , Folder 890 |
Memberships and Endorsements
1995 |
Box 89 , Folder 891 |
Mentally Handicapped: Position Statements
1984 |
Box 89 , Folder 892 |
Middle East Article: Islam and the West
1991 |
Box 89 , Folder 893 |
Middle East Elections
32779 |
Box 89 , Folder 894 |
Middle East Peace Prospects
1991 |
Box 89 , Folder 895 |
Middle East Trip
1987-1988 |
Box 89 , Folder 896 |
Mideast Peace Process
1990-1992 |
Box 89 , Folder 897 |
Mideast Peace Process
1990-1992 |
Box 89 , Folder 898 |
Mideast Peace Process
1990-1992 |
Box 89 , Folder 899 |
Military Funding in Newport
1990 |
Box 89 , Folder 900 |
Military Memoranda
1984-1985 |
Box 89 , Folder 901 |
Minimum Wage
1989 |
Box 89 , Folder 902 |
Minimum Wage and Senate Vote
1977-1989 |
Box 89 , Folder 903 |
Minority Scholarships
1991 |
Box 89 , Folder 904 |
Miscellaneous Letters
1992 |
Box 89 , Folder 905 |
Miscellaneous News Releases
1985-1986 |
Box 89 , Folder 906 |
Mitchell Brothers
1987 |
Box 89 , Folder 907 |
Mortgage Bond Bill
1979 |
Box 89 , Folder 908 |
Mortgage Revenue Bonds
1987 |
Box 89 , Folder 909 |
Mount Rushmore
1998 |
Box 90 , Folder 910 |
MX Missile Program
1985 |
Box 90 , Folder 911 |
MX Missile System
1980 |
Box 90 , Folder 912 |
National and Community Service Act
1989-1990 |
Box 90 , Folder 913 |
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Forum
35400 |
Box 91 , Folder 914 |
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Official
1995 |
Box 91 , Folder 915 |
National Defense
1988 |
Box 91 , Folder 916 |
National Education Association: Gay and Lesbian History Month
1995 |
Box 91 , Folder 917 |
National Endowment for the Arts
1990 |
Box 91 , Folder 918 |
National Endowment for the Arts: Gay Art
1989 |
Box 92 , Folder 919 |
National Endowment for the Arts: Reauthorization
1990 |
Box 92 , Folder 920 |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
1985 |
Box 92 , Folder 921 |
National Industries for the Severely Handicapped
1991 |
Box 92 , Folder 922 |
National Park Resolution
1985-1986 |
Box 92 , Folder 923 |
National Republican Senatorial Committee
1977-1982 |
Box 92 , Folder 924 |
National Rifle Association: Chafee Floor Statement
undated |
Box 92 , Folder 925 |
National Safe Kids
1994 |
Box 92 , Folder 926 |
National School Lunch Program
1993 |
Box 92 , Folder 927 |
Natural Disaster Coalition Profile
1995 |
Box 92 , Folder 928 |
Natural Disaster Relief
1991 |
Box 92 , Folder 929 |
Nautilus Memorial Museum: Black Caucus
1988-1989 |
Box 92 , Folder 930 |
Naval Regional Contracting Center
1986 |
Box 93 , Folder 931 |
1988-1990 |
Box 93 , Folder 932 |
1991-1992 |
Box 93 , Folder 933 |
Navy: Competitive Bidding Process
1987 |
Box 93 , Folder 934 |
Navy: Newport
1985-1986 |
Box 93 , Folder 935 |
Navy Memorial
1978 |
Box 93 , Folder 936 |
Network Acquisition Approval Act
1985 |
Box 93 , Folder 937 |
New England Boot Works
1995 |
Box 93 , Folder 938 |
New England Electric System: Hyundai Lattice Tower
1987 |
Box 93 , Folder 939 |
New England Export Assistance Center
1994 |
Box 93 , Folder 940 |
New England Governors Association
1994 |
Box 93 , Folder 941 |
New England Trade Adjustment Assistance
1995 |
Box 93 , Folder 942 |
News Releases
1982, 1987, 1989 |
Box 93 , Folder 943 |
1989 |
Box 93 , Folder 944 |
Nigerian Center for Culture and Commerce
1993 |
Box 93 , Folder 945 |
Nightingale-Brown House
1989 |
Box 94 , Folder 946 |
Northeast Corridor: Amtrak/Electrification
1993-1994 |
Box 94 , Folder 947 |
Northeast Corridor: Amtrak/Electrification
1994-1995 |
Box 94 , Folder 948 |
Northeast Corridor: Amtrak/Electrification
1994-1995 |
Box 94 , Folder 949 |
Northeast Rail Corridor
1993 |
Box 94 , Folder 950 |
Northeast Rail Corridor
1993-1995 |
Box 95 , Folder 951 |
Northeast-Midwest Coalition
1977 |
Box 95 , Folder 952 |
Northeast-Midwest Coalition: Adjusting Census Numbers
1991 |
Box 95 , Folder 953 |
Northeast-Midwest Economic Institute
1990-1992 |
Box 95 , Folder 954 |
Northern Marine: Quonset Point
1991-1996 |
Box 95 , Folder 955 |
Notch Social Security Act
1992 |
Box 95 , Folder 956 |
Notch Social Security Reform Legislation
1989 |
Box 95 , Folder 957 |
Nuclear Testing
1981-1987 |
Box 95 , Folder 958 |
Nuclear Testing
1987 |
Box 96 , Folder 959 |
Nuclear Testing
1987 |
Box 96 , Folder 960 |
1986 |
Box 96 , Folder 961 |
Nynex Strike
1989 |
Box 96 , Folder 962 |
Occupational Coordinating
1990-1991 |
Box 96 , Folder 963 |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Criminal Penalty Reform Act
1990 |
Box 96 , Folder 964 |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Dentists and Bloodborne Pathogens
1989 |
Box 96 , Folder 965 |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Shipyard Asbestos Cases
1988-1989 |
Box 96 , Folder 966 |
Occupational Safety and Health and Senate Vote
1977-1992 |
Box 96 , Folder 967 |
Ocean Dumping
1989-1992 |
Box 96 , Folder 968 |
Ocean Shipping Act of 1983
1983 |
Box 96 , Folder 969 |
Ocean Spray, Inc.
1989 |
Box 97 , Folder 970 |
O’Connor, Nancy
1984 |
Box 97 , Folder 971 |
Oil Import Fees
1986-1991 |
Box 97 , Folder 972 |
Oil Spill Clean-Up Bill
1989 |
Box 97 , Folder 973 |
Open Space Preservation
1989 |
Box 97 , Folder 974 |
Open Space Speech: South Kingstown Land Trust
33684 |
Box 97 , Folder 975 |
Outreach Office
1980 |
Box 97 , Folder 976 |
Ozone and Climate Protection Act
1989-1992 |
Box 97 , Folder 977 |
Packwood, Bob
1995 |
Box 97 , Folder 978 |
Packwood, Bob: Advice
31796 |
Box 97 , Folder 979 |
Pakistan: Nuclear Proliferation
1987 |
Box 97 , Folder 980 |
Palestinian Liberation Organization-World Health Organization
undated |
Box 97 , Folder 981 |
Palestinian School Closures
1989-1990 |
Box 97 , Folder 982 |
Parental Choice
1990 |
Box 97 , Folder 983 |
Parental Leave
1989-1991 |
Box 98 , Folder 984 |
Parks: Recreation
1985 |
Box 98 , Folder 985 |
Pastore, John O.: Seventh World Congress
1987 |
Box 98 , Folder 986 |
Pawtucket Red Sox Antitrust Exemption
1997 |
Box 98 , Folder 987 |
Pay Raise
1989 |
Box 98 , Folder 988 |
Peace Dividend Article Notes
1990 |
Box 98 , Folder 989 |
Peace Institute of the United States
1986-1990 |
Box 98 , Folder 990 |
Pearl Harbor Veteran’s Letter
1992 |
Box 98 , Folder 991 |
Peerless Precision
1989 |
Box 98 , Folder 992 |
Pell, Claiborne
1991 |
Box 98 , Folder 993 |
Pell, Claiborne: Retirement
1996 |
Box 98 , Folder 994 |
Pell Commemorative: Religious Freedom Week
1988 |
Box 98 , Folder 995 |
Pell Record
1992 |
Box 98 , Folder 996 |
Penfield Liquid Treatment Systems
1989 |
Box 98 , Folder 997 |
Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation
1987-1994 |
Box 98 , Folder 998 |
Pension Reform
1985 |
Box 98 , Folder 999 |
Persian Gulf Crisis
1990 |
Box 98 , Folder 1000 |
Persian Gulf War
1991 |
Box 99 , Folder 1001 |
Persian Gulf War
1991 |
Box 99 , Folder 1002 |
Personal Communications Commission
1994-1995 |
Box 99 , Folder 1003 |
1990 |
Box 99 , Folder 1004 |
Pettaquamscutt Wildlife Refuge
1992 |
Box 99 , Folder 1005 |
Pinga, Joseph
1998 |
Box 99 , Folder 1006 |
Plant Closings
1987-1988 |
Box 99 , Folder 1007 |
Plant Closings
1987-1988 |
Box 99 , Folder 1008 |
Plant Closings
1987-1988 |
Box 100 , Folder 1009 |
Plastic Pollution
1986 |
Box 100 , Folder 1010 |
1989 |
Box 100 , Folder 1011 |
Poem and Poster Program
1986 |
Box 100 , Folder 1012 |
Police Chiefs, Rhode Island
1998 |
Box 100 , Folder 1013 |
Police Training
1989 |
Box 100 , Folder 1014 |
Policy Committee Economic Talking Points
1991 |
Box 100 , Folder 1015 |
Population Control
1993 |
Box 100 , Folder 1016 |
1985-1986 |
Box 100 , Folder 1017 |
Ports in Rhode Island
1987-1989 |
Box 100 , Folder 1018 |
Position Papers of Groups
1987 |
Box 100 , Folder 1019 |
Postage Stamps
1987 |
Box 100 , Folder 1020 |
Postal Inquiries
1999 |
Box 100 , Folder 1021 |
Postal Service
1990 |
Box 100 , Folder 1022 |
Postal Service Core Business Act
1996 |
Box 100 , Folder 1023 |
Postal Supervisor, The
35524 |
Box 100 , Folder 1024 |
Poverty and Senate Vote
1981-1988 |
Box 101 , Folder 1025 |
Practical Capacity Accounting
1987 |
Box 101 , Folder 1026 |
1997 |
Box 101 , Folder 1027 |
Preservation: Historic Preservation Movement
1999 |
Box 101 , Folder 1028 |
Presiding Officer Hours
1999 |
Box 101 , Folder 1029 |
Prison Overcrowding
1988 |
Box 101 , Folder 1030 |
Privacy Act
1986 |
Box 101 , Folder 1031 |
Procedural Questions on Senate Rules
1985-1986 |
Box 101 , Folder 1032 |
Proceedings of the National Firefighter Health and Safety Forum
1985 |
Box 101 , Folder 1033 |
1985 |
Box 101 , Folder 1034 |
Product Liability
1984-1985 |
Box 101 , Folder 1035 |
Product Liability
1985-1987 |
Box 102 , Folder 1036 |
Product Liability
1985-1987 |
Box 102 , Folder 1037 |
Productivity Award
1983 |
Box 102 , Folder 1038 |
1979-1983 |
Box 102 , Folder 1039 |
Promet Corporation
1988 |
Box 102 , Folder 1040 |
Proudian, Vahe: Immigration
1988 |
Box 102 , Folder 1041 |
Providence Place Mall
1996-1997 |
Box 102 , Folder 1042 |
Public Broadcasting
1982-1985 |
Box 102 , Folder 1043 |
Public Broadcasting Service
1995 |
Box 102 , Folder 1044 |
Public Health and Safety Act
1993 |
Box 102 , Folder 1045 |
Public Libraries: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 102 , Folder 1046 |
Public Relations Events
1986-1987 |
Box 103 , Folder 1047 |
Public Service Announcement File
1985-1987 |
Box 103 , Folder 1048 |
Puerto Rico
1993 |
Box 103 , Folder 1049 |
Puerto Rico Statehood
1989 |
Box 103 , Folder 1050 |
Quadrax Corporation
1988 |
Box 103 , Folder 1051 |
Quonset: Brazilian Visit
1997 |
Box 103 , Folder 1052 |
Quonset Air Museum
1992 |
Box 103 , Folder 1053 |
Quonset Point/Davisville
1995 |
Box 103 , Folder 1054 |
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)
1985-1989 |
Box 103 , Folder 1055 |
Radio Conference Calls
1989 |
Box 103 , Folder 1060 |
1983-1988 |
Box 103 , Folder 1061 |
1990 |
Box 103 , Folder 1062 |
Real Estate
1991-1992 |
Box 103 , Folder 1063 |
Reconciliation Act of the Balanced Budget
1995 |
Box 103 , Folder 1064 |
Recreational Prison Activities
1994 |
Box 103 , Folder 1065 |
1989-1990 |
Box 103 , Folder 1066 |
1991 |
Box 103 , Folder 1067 |
Reed, Jack
1991-1992 |
Box 105 , Folder 1068 |
1988-1989 |
Box 105 , Folder 1069 |
Refugees and Immigration
1988-1989 |
Box 105 , Folder 1072 |
Rehabilitation Services Report
1999 |
Box 105 , Folder 1073 |
Rene’s Catering
1992 |
Box 105 , Folder 1076 |
Republican Flag Wavers
1978-1979 |
Box 105 , Folder 1077 |
Republican Leadership Meetings Information
36100 |
Box 105 , Folder 1080 |
Republican Rally
1978 |
Box 105 , Folder 1081 |
Republican Senators, List of
1981 |
Box 105 , Folder 1082 |
Rescission Bills
1992 |
Box 105 , Folder 1083 |
Reserve Readiness Command
1987 |
Box 105 , Folder 1086 |
Reykjavik Arms
1986 |
Box 105 , Folder 1087 |
Reynolds, Foster
1988 |
Box 105 , Folder 1088 |
Rezendes, John P.
1999 |
Box 105 , Folder 1089 |
Rhode Island: Export-Import Bank
1994, 1999 |
Box 105 , Folder 1090 |
Rhode Island: General Business Information
1991-1997 |
Box 106 , Folder 1091 |
Rhode Island: General System of Preferences
1993-1996 |
Box 106 , Folder 1092 |
Rhode Island: General System of Preferences
1996 |
Box 106 , Folder 1093 |
Rhode Island: Housing and Mortgage Financing
1992, 1997 |
Box 106 , Folder 1094 |
Rhode Island: Personal Income Information
1992 |
Box 106 , Folder 1095 |
Rhode Island: State Bills
1993 |
Box 107 , Folder 1096 |
Rhode Island: State Taxes
1998 |
Box 107 , Folder 1099 |
Rhode Island Bailout Banking Bill
1991 |
Box 107 , Folder 1100 |
Rhode Island Casework
1985-1986 |
Box 107 , Folder 1101 |
Rhode Island Census Data
1990 |
Box 107 , Folder 1102 |
Rhode Island Credit Union Tax Bills
1991 |
Box 108 , Folder 1103 |
Rhode Island Defense Related Firms
1992 |
Box 108 , Folder 1104 |
Rhode Island Export Assistance
1992 |
Box 108 , Folder 1105 |
Rhode Island National Guard
1997 |
Box 108 , Folder 1106 |
Rhode Island National Guard Send-Off
1990 |
Box 108 , Folder 1107 |
Rhode Island Poverty Statistics
1990 |
Box 108 , Folder 1108 |
Rhode Island Press Releases
1982-1985 |
Box 108 , Folder 1109 |
Rhode Island Press Releases
1982-1985 |
Box 108 , Folder 1112 |
Rhode Island Republican Party
1984 |
Box 108 , Folder 1113 |
Rhode Island Senate Foreign Relations Committee
1990 |
Box 108 , Folder 1114 |
Rhode Island Trade: General
1993 |
Box 109 , Folder 1115 |
Rhode Island Trade Mission
1994-1999 |
Box 109 , Folder 1116 |
Rhode Island Visits
1983 |
Box 109 , Folder 1117 |
Rhode Island Womens’ Conference
1991 |
Box 109 , Folder 1118 |
Ridgefield Garden Club
1989 |
Box 109 , Folder 1119 |
Right to Die and Living Wills
1990 |
Box 109 , Folder 1120 |
Ripon Society
1985 |
Box 109 , Folder 1121 |
Rivers, Philip: Tribute
1986 |
Box 109 , Folder 1122 |
Road Construction
1983 |
Box 109 , Folder 1123 |
Roberts, United States Ship: Iranian Mining
1988 |
Box 109 , Folder 1124 |
Rogers, Patrick: Communications File
1994 |
Box 109 , Folder 1127 |
Rogers, Patrick: Traveler’s Aid Society
1994 |
Box 109 , Folder 1128 |
Rogers, Patrick: White House on Small Business
1994 |
Box 110 , Folder 1129 |
Room Reservations
1987-1990 |
Box 110 , Folder 1130 |
Russell, United States Ship
1988-1989 |
Box 110 , Folder 1131 |
Saint Joseph Hospital
1989 |
Box 110 , Folder 1132 |
Sanford White Company
1998 |
Box 110 , Folder 1133 |
Sapinsley, John M.
1985 |
Box 110 , Folder 1134 |
Saudi Arms Sales
1986, 1988 |
Box 110 , Folder 1135 |
Saudi Article Materials
1979 |
Box 110 , Folder 1136 |
1989-1990 |
Box 110 , Folder 1137 |
Schedules, Rhode Island
1998 |
Box 110 , Folder 1138 |
School Prayer
1984-1986 |
Box 111 , Folder 1139 |
School Prayer
1984-1986 |
Box 111 , Folder 1140 |
School Prayer: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 111 , Folder 1143 |
Senate Procedure I
1982-1989 |
Box 111 , Folder 1144 |
Senate Procedure and Practice
1986 |
Box 111 , Folder 1145 |
Senate Votes
1988-1993 |
Box 111 , Folder 1146 |
Senate Youth Program
1990-1991 |
Box 111 , Folder 1147 |
Senators’ Team Longevity
1988 |
Box 112 , Folder 1148 |
Sentencing Guidelines
1986 |
Box 112 , Folder 1149 |
Service Contract Act
1986 |
Box 112 , Folder 1150 |
Service Department, United States
1984-1985 |
Box 112 , Folder 1153 |
Silver Bill
1984 |
Box 113 , Folder 1154 |
Slater, Tom
1988 |
Box 113 , Folder 1155 |
Slocum, Jerry: Newport Preservation Society
1999 |
Box 113 , Folder 1156 |
Small Business Issues
1992 |
Box 113 , Folder 1157 |
Social Security
1989-1990 |
Box 113 , Folder 1158 |
Social Security: Legislative Initiatives
1985 |
Box 113 , Folder 1159 |
Social Security: Money’s Worth
1990-1992 |
Box 113 , Folder 1160 |
Social Security: Statements
1985-1990 |
Box 113 , Folder 1161 |
Social Security: Suter Amendment
1992 |
Box 113 , Folder 1162 |
Social Security Administration’s Congressional Inquirer’s Guide
1998 |
Box 113 , Folder 1163 |
Social Security and Senate Vote
1984-1986 |
Box 114 , Folder 1164 |
Social Security Disability Insurance
1982-1984 |
Box 114 , Folder 1165 |
Social Security Hearings and Appeals
1989 |
Box 114 , Folder 1166 |
Social Security Mark-up
1992 |
Box 114 , Folder 1167 |
Social Security Tax Cut
1990-1991 |
Box 114 , Folder 1168 |
Social Security Work Incentives Act
1989 |
Box 114 , Folder 1169 |
Soldier’s Home Dispute
1967, 1999 |
Box 114 , Folder 1170 |
Soldier’s Home Dispute
1999 |
Box 115 , Folder 1171 |
Solid Waste
1990, 1992 |
Box 115 , Folder 1172 |
Source Licensing
1986-1987 |
Box 115 , Folder 1173 |
South Africa
1985 |
Box 115 , Folder 1174 |
South Africa
1986-1988 |
Box 115 , Folder 1175 |
South Africa
1986-1988 |
Box 115 , Folder 1176 |
South Africa
1988 |
Box 116 , Folder 1177 |
South Providence Revitalization Committee
1985 |
Box 116 , Folder 1178 |
South Southeast Asian Population in Rhode Island
1980-1984 |
Box 116 , Folder 1179 |
1984-1985 |
Box 116 , Folder 1180 |
1985-1986 |
Box 116 , Folder 1181 |
Speeches: President Reagan
1984-1985 |
Box 116 , Folder 1182 |
Speeches, List of
1977-1980 |
Box 116 , Folder 1183 |
Speeches and Statements
1982-1983 |
Box 116 , Folder 1184 |
1985 |
Box 117 , Folder 1185 |
1991, 1995 |
Box 117 , Folder 1186 |
1987 |
Box 117 , Folder 1187 |
Staff Appointments
1989 |
Box 117 , Folder 1188 |
Staff Lists
1987 |
Box 117 , Folder 1189 |
Staff Memos
1984-1985 |
Box 117 , Folder 1190 |
Stafford Dinner
1988 |
Box 117 , Folder 1191 |
Stanley-Bostitch: Metal Forgings
1987-1996 |
Box 117 , Folder 1192 |
Star Spangled Banner Bill
1995 |
Box 117 , Folder 1193 |
Starr, Ken: Impeachment Report
1998 |
Box 118 , Folder 1194 |
State Department Reorganization: Foreign Relations Revitalization Act of 1995
1995-1996 |
Box 118 , Folder 1195 |
State of the Union
1991 |
Box 118 , Folder 1196 |
1989 |
Box 118 , Folder 1197 |
Steering Committee
1980 |
Box 118 , Folder 1198 |
Sterling Tire-Burning Plant
1987-1988 |
Box 118 , Folder 1199 |
Stocks: Insider Deals
1985 |
Box 118 , Folder 1200 |
Strategic Arms Control: Federation of American Scientists
1979, 1986 |
Box 118 , Folder 1201 |
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty
1985-1986 |
Box 118 , Folder 1202 |
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty
1986 |
Box 119 , Folder 1203 |
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty
1986 |
Box 119 , Folder 1204 |
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty
1987 |
Box 119 , Folder 1205 |
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty: Geneva Talks
1986 |
Box 119 , Folder 1206 |
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty: News Clippings
1985-1986 |
Box 119 , Folder 1207 |
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty: Reports, Analysis
1986 |
Box 119 , Folder 1208 |
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty: Strategic Systems Report
1986 |
Box 119 , Folder 1209 |
Strategic Defense Initiative
1985 |
Box 119 , Folder 1210 |
Strategic Defense Initiative
1985-1986 |
Box 119 , Folder 1211 |
Strategic Defense Initiative: Chloroflourocarbon
1987 |
Box 120 , Folder 1212 |
Strategic Defense Initiative: News Clippings
1986 |
Box 120 , Folder 1213 |
Strategic Defense Initiative: Nuclear Tests
1986 |
Box 120 , Folder 1214 |
Strategic Defense Initiative: Scientists
1986 |
Box 120 , Folder 1215 |
Strategic Defense Initiative: Working Group
1986 |
Box 120 , Folder 1216 |
Strategic Defense Initiative Institute
1986-1987 |
Box 120 , Folder 1217 |
Strategic Petroleum Reserve
1989 |
Box 120 , Folder 1218 |
Strategic Petroleum Reserve Drawdown
1990 |
Box 120 , Folder 1219 |
Strategy Sessions: Subject File
1982 |
Box 120 , Folder 1220 |
Strengthening of America Commission Report
1992 |
Box 120 , Folder 1221 |
Striped Bass Protection Law
1984-1986 |
Box 120 , Folder 1222 |
Structural Safety Technology
1992 |
Box 121 , Folder 1223 |
Student Financial Aid: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 121 , Folder 1224 |
Sub-Minimum Wage
1978, 1984, 1989 |
Box 121 , Folder 1225 |
Substance Abuse, Rhode Island Office of
1993 |
Box 121 , Folder 1226 |
Sugar Subsidies
1989 |
Box 121 , Folder 1227 |
Suggestions for New Republican Senators
32541 |
Box 121 , Folder 1228 |
Sullivan, Robert
1997 |
Box 121 , Folder 1229 |
Sunbeam-Oster: China Special 301, Retaliation
1992 |
Box 121 , Folder 1230 |
1988 |
Box 121 , Folder 1231 |
Sundlun News Clippings
1990-1992 |
Box 121 , Folder 1232 |
Super Conductors
1987 |
Box 121 , Folder 1233 |
Superfund: Environmental Insurance Resolution
1994 |
Box 121 , Folder 1234 |
Superfund: News Clippings
1987 |
Box 121 , Folder 1235 |
Superfund: Senate Finance Committee Mark-up
1994 |
Box 121 , Folder 1236 |
Superfund Legislation
1994-1995 |
Box 122 , Folder 1237 |
Superfund Legislation
1994-1995 |
Box 122 , Folder 1238 |
Superfund Reform Act
1994 |
Box 122 , Folder 1239 |
Superfund Taxes
1995 |
Box 122 , Folder 1240 |
Supplemental Security Income H.R. 6266
1984 |
Box 122 , Folder 1241 |
Supplemental Security Income and Privacy
1982 |
Box 122 , Folder 1242 |
Supplemental Security Income Program
1984 |
Box 122 , Folder 1243 |
Taco, Inc.: Letter to Seoul
33848 |
Box 122 , Folder 1244 |
Tall Ships
1982 |
Box 122 , Folder 1245 |
1999 |
Box 122 , Folder 1248 |
Tariffs: Legislation
1996 |
Box 122 , Folder 1249 |
Tariffs: Miscellaneous Tariff Bill and Technical Corrections Act
1998 |
Box 122 , Folder 1250 |
Tariffs and Trade, General Agreement
1994 |
Box 122 , Folder 1251 |
Tasca: Federal Trade Commission Problem
1992 |
Box 122 , Folder 1252 |
1991-1992 |
Box 122 , Folder 1253 |
Taxes: Chafee Amendments to EZ Bill
1992 |
Box 122 , Folder 1254 |
Taxes: Floor Consideration
1992 |
Box 124 , Folder 1255 |
Taxes: Historic Homes Provision
1999 |
Box 124 , Folder 1256 |
Taxes: House Member Tax Bills
1992 |
Box 124 , Folder 1257 |
Taxes: Issues
1992 |
Box 124 , Folder 1258 |
Taxes: Memoranda
1992 |
Box 124 , Folder 1259 |
Taxes: News Clippings
1987-1988 |
Box 124 , Folder 1260 |
Taxes: News Clippings
1992 |
Box 124 , Folder 1261 |
Taxes: Policy
1989-1990 |
Box 124 , Folder 1262 |
Taxes: Reform Act
1986-1987 |
Box 124 , Folder 1263 |
Taxes: Reform Act
1986-1987 |
Box 124 , Folder 1264 |
Taxes: Reform Speeches, News Releases, Reports
1985 |
Box 125 , Folder 1265 |
Taxes: Revenue Act of 1992
1992 |
Box 125 , Folder 1266 |
Taxes: Revenue Act of 1992
1992 |
Box 125 , Folder 1267 |
Taxes: Revenue Act of 1992
1992 |
Box 125 , Folder 1268 |
1985-1987 |
Box 125 , Folder 1269 |
Teachers Resource Center
1985 |
Box 125 , Folder 1270 |
Technology Dependent Children
1986 |
Box 125 , Folder 1271 |
1987, 1991 |
Box 125 , Folder 1272 |
Telecommunications Reform Conference
1996 |
Box 126 , Folder 1272a |
1979-1981 |
Box 126 , Folder 1273 |
Television Show “Capitol Connection”
1990 |
Box 126 , Folder 1274 |
Tenure to Building Statutes
1983 |
Box 126 , Folder 1275 |
Terrorism: Anti-Hijacking Bill
1985 |
Box 126 , Folder 1276 |
Textile Bill
1998 |
Box 126 , Folder 1277 |
1987 |
Box 126 , Folder 1278 |
Textiles: Canadian Imports
1997 |
Box 126 , Folder 1279 |
Textiles: New England Textile Center
1995 |
Box 126 , Folder 1280 |
Textron and Avdel
1989-1994 |
Box 126 , Folder 1281 |
Theatre for Emily
1991 |
Box 126 , Folder 1282 |
Theatre Play: “Let Them Eat Cake”
1995 |
Box 126 , Folder 1283 |
Third Rail Track Project
undated |
Box 126 , Folder 1284 |
Tobacco Industry State Settlements
1998 |
Box 126 , Folder 1285 |
Tobacco Industry State Settlements
1999 |
Box 127 , Folder 1286 |
Tobacco Legislation
1989 |
Box 127 , Folder 1287 |
Tobacco Price Support
1995 |
Box 127 , Folder 1288 |
Toray Plastics, Inc., Shell Oil Company
1998 |
Box 127 , Folder 1289 |
Tourism and Travel
1989, 1991 |
Box 127 , Folder 1290 |
Tourism Tax Incentive
1988 |
Box 127 , Folder 1291 |
Tower, John: Defense Secretary Nomination
1989 |
Box 127 , Folder 1292 |
Town Meetings
1989, 1990 |
Box 127 , Folder 1293 |
Town Meetings Notices
1990 |
Box 127 , Folder 1294 |
Toxic Marine Paint: Tributylin
1988 |
Box 128 , Folder 1295 |
1988 |
Box 128 , Folder 1296 |
1990 |
Box 129 , Folder 1297 |
Trade: American Tourister, Caribbean Basin Initiatives
1989-1995 |
Box 129 , Folder 1298 |
Trade: Association of Southeast Asian Nations Conference
1993-1994 |
Box 129 , Folder 1299 |
Trade: Association of Southeast Asian Nations Conference
1993-1994 |
Box 129 , Folder 1300 |
Trade: Gemstones
1993 |
Box 129 , Folder 1301 |
Trade: Issues
1991-1992 |
Box 129 , Folder 1302 |
Trade: News Clippings
1991-1992 |
Box 129 , Folder 1303 |
Trade: North American Free Trade Agreement
1992 |
Box 129 , Folder 1304 |
Trade: Speeches
1994-1996 |
Box 130 , Folder 1305 |
Trade: Statements
1985-1986 |
Box 130 , Folder 1306 |
Trade: World Trade Day
1997-1998 |
Box 130 , Folder 1307 |
Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue
1996 |
Box 130 , Folder 1308 |
1987-1988 |
Box 130 , Folder 1309 |
1989-1991 |
Box 130 , Folder 1310 |
1991-1993 |
Box 130 , Folder 1311 |
Transportation: Highways
1985-1986 |
Box 130 , Folder 1312 |
Transportation: News Clippings
1991-1992 |
Box 131 , Folder 1313 |
Trauma Care
1989-1991 |
Box 131 , Folder 1314 |
1983-1984 |
Box 131 , Folder 1315 |
Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge
1986 |
Box 131 , Folder 1316 |
Tuition Tax Credits
1983-1988 |
Box 131 , Folder 1317 |
Tuition Tax Credits
1983-1988 |
Box 131 , Folder 1318 |
Ukraine Wool Coats
1995 |
Box 131 , Folder 1319 |
1990-1992 |
Box 131 , Folder 1320 |
Unemployment Compensation
1991 |
Box 131 , Folder 1321 |
1988-1989 |
Box 131 , Folder 1322 |
United Nations
1988 |
Box 131 , Folder 1323 |
United Nations Women’s Convention
1991 |
Box 131 , Folder 1324 |
United Seniors Association: Right-Wing Propaganda
1994 |
Box 131 , Folder 1325 |
United States Code
1978 |
Box 131 , Folder 1326 |
United States Postal Service
1997-1999 |
Box 131 , Folder 1327 |
University of Rhode Island
1988 |
Box 131 , Folder 1328 |
University of Rhode Island Coastal Institute
1995 |
Box 131 , Folder 1329 |
Upcoming Events: Senior Citizen Intern Program
1989-1991 |
Box 131 , Folder 1330 |
Urban Aid Bill
1992 |
Box 131 , Folder 1331 |
Urban Development Action Grant
1985 |
Box 131 , Folder 1332 |
Urban Sprawl
1998 |
Box 131 , Folder 1333 |
Valley Heritage Corridor
1999 |
Box 131 , Folder 1334 |
Venture Capital Association
1984 |
Box 131 , Folder 1335 |
Vertical Price Fixing
1988 |
Box 132 , Folder 1336 |
1985-1995 |
Box 132 , Folder 1337 |
Veterans’ Benefits: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 132 , Folder 1338 |
Veterans for Peace
1988 |
Box 132 , Folder 1339 |
Veterans Issues
1988-1992 |
Box 132 , Folder 1340 |
Viet Nam Exhibit: “Reflexes and Reflections”
30477 |
Box 132 , Folder 1341 |
Viet Nam, United States Policy Towards
1994-1995 |
Box 132 , Folder 1342 |
Viet Nam Veterans of America, Inc.
1986 |
Box 132 , Folder 1343 |
Violence Against Women Act
1998 |
Box 132 , Folder 1344 |
Violet, Arlene
1987 |
Box 132 , Folder 1345 |
Visa: Vietnamese Student
1995 |
Box 132 , Folder 1346 |
Visiting Nurse Service
1986 |
Box 132 , Folder 1347 |
Vocational Rehabilitation
1989 |
Box 132 , Folder 1348 |
Voice of America
32356 |
Box 133 , Folder 1349 |
Voter Registration
1985, 1989 |
Box 133 , Folder 1350 |
Voting Record Background
1997-1999 |
Box 134 , Folder 1351 |
Voting Record of the 104th Congress
1996 |
Box 134 , Folder 1352 |
Voting Rights
1984, 1989 |
Box 135 , Folder 1353 |
Voting Rights Act
1991 |
Box 135 , Folder 1354 |
Voting Studies
1981-1982 |
Box 136 , Folder 1355 |
Vouchers: Remedial, Bilingual
1985-1989 |
Box 136 , Folder 1356 |
Wall of Liberty Foundation
1999 |
Box 136 , Folder 1357 |
War Risk Insurance
1985 |
Box 136 , Folder 1358 |
Washburn Wire Company
1980 |
Box 136 , Folder 1359 |
Washington Business Group on Health
1990 |
Box 136 , Folder 1360 |
Washington Discussion Group
1990 |
Box 136 , Folder 1361 |
Water Coolers: Lead Contamination
1988 |
Box 136 , Folder 1362 |
Water Resources Center
1980 |
Box 137 , Folder 1363 |
Wealth Measurement
1998 |
Box 137 , Folder 1364 |
Weekly History Reports and Mailing Lists
1982-1983 |
Box 137 , Folder 1365 |
Weekly Schedule
1991-1992 |
Box 137 , Folder 1366 |
1985-1987 |
Box 137 , Folder 1367 |
1987 |
Box 137 , Folder 1368 |
Welfare Reform: S.1511 Briefing Book
1988 |
Box 137 , Folder 1369 |
West Warwick Casino: News Articles
1999 |
Box 137 , Folder 1370 |
1988 |
Box 137 , Folder 1371 |
Western Sahara Dispute
1998 |
Box 137 , Folder 1372 |
Westway Landfill
1984 |
Box 137 , Folder 1373 |
1982-1983 |
Box 137 , Folder 1374 |
1986-1988 |
Box 137 , Folder 1375 |
1990 |
Box 137 , Folder 1376 |
1991-1992 |
Box 137 , Folder 1377 |
Wetlands: Articles
1991 |
Box 137 , Folder 1377a |
Wetlands: News Articles and Chafee Statements
1977-1982 |
Box 137 , Folder 1378 |
White, Joe Slade: Strategy and Tactics
1993 |
Box 137 , Folder 1379 |
Wild Horses Act
1982-1986 |
Box 137 , Folder 1380 |
Wild Horses Act
1982-1986 |
Box 137 , Folder 1381 |
1986-1988 |
Box 137 , Folder 1382 |
Wildlife Refuge
1989-1991 |
Box 137 , Folder 1383 |
Wodell, Page
1976, 1995 |
Box 137 , Folder 1384 |
Women and Infants Hospital
1995 |
Box 137 , Folder 1385 |
Women Voters, League of
1980 |
Box 137 , Folder 1386 |
Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament
1988 |
Box 137 , Folder 1387 |
Women’s Issues
1989-1992 |
Box 137 , Folder 1388 |
Women’s Issues: United Nations Convention
1996 |
Box 137 , Folder 1389 |
Wood River
1982-1984 |
Box 137 , Folder 1390 |
Woonsocket Highway Connector: News Clippings
1987 |
Box 137 , Folder 1391 |
Woonsocket Social Security Office Closing: Chafee Letters
1985 |
Box 137 , Folder 1392 |
World Peace
1988 |
Box 137 , Folder 1393 |
World Population Awareness Week
1992 |
Box 137 , Folder 1394 |
World War II Memorial (includes video and cassette tape in Multi-Media Sub-Group III)
1999 |
Box 137 , Folder 1395 |
Writing Samples
1989 |
Box 137 , Folder 1396 |
Yale University Forty-Fifth Reunion
1991 |
Box 137 , Folder 1397 |
Youth Development 4-H Program
1999 |
Box 137 , Folder 1398 |
Youth Programs
1986 |